Markus is quick off the mark and gets his changes delivered to the stream.
And BAT, as it happens, was quick off the mark in denouncing the outcome of the South African meeting.
Against this background the European Central Bank (ECB) has been quick off the mark in pushing up interest rates.
Whilst you may have been a little quick off the mark, you were probably acting in a most appropriate fashion.
Manufacturers have become quick off the mark in launching legal action against rivals, owing to a dynamic smartphone market across continents.
A similar thing happens with cars when a faster, more powerful model is released, making an older (though still shiny) car seem a little less new and seem a little less quick off the mark.
In the meantime a few thoughts crossed my mind which I thought were quick-off-the-mark, but today I know they did me no good.
In the meantime a few thoughts crossed my mind which I thought were quick-off-the-mark, but today I know they did me no good.