A quick response switching controller for the capacitor is designed.
Another 1, 000 men have been deployed in anti-terror quick response squads.
We provide quick response and real-time feedback, accurate, timely reply.
Therefore, it needs a quick response from the enterprises to the changes.
When you read an email, if it just needs a quick response, reply on the spot.
This highlights the importance of this quick response time to Zara's operations.
He said in a statement: 'The Zoo security team's quick response saved the child's life.
The synchronous mode locks up the Web service application while waiting for a quick response.
You can text me, just don't expect a quick response because I'm pretty slow at triple-tap.
QR code stands for quick response, a reference to how speedily the data they contain can be decoded.
These adjustments may have been painful, but a quick response tends to reduce the overall bail-out cost.
Yuken directional control valves feature high quality construction, quick response time and high reliability.
While this approach has some disk and memory impact, it has the advantage of a quick response to the user’s request.
Enterprises should have quick response, know price concession for consumers and reduce the total cost for them.
Some factors affecting the quick response of supply chain are analyzed from industrial cluster environment at first.
The results of experiments show that AC servo system based on integral partition PID control has quick response speed and h.
A quick response in daily conversation and other communicative situations calls for listening comprehension in the first place.
In other words, you can ask the server, "give me all annotations of resource x," and it will use the index to provide a quick response.
The Quick Response plug-in handles this common scenario more deftly by enabling the user to define full-sentence pre-scripted responses.
Quick Response插件允许用户定义预先编写好脚本的完整语句作为响应,从而应对这些普遍的应用情景。
Faster in this context means a server with quick response times due to such things as its superior CPU, faster disk subsystem, or high bus speed.
'Google needs to make a quick response by redoubling its efforts in direct AD sales and cooperating with AD agents,' she said in the research note.
Then Bertie said my quick response to the Omagh tragedy had galvanized the parties to make decisions quickly that might have taken weeks and months.
The business initiatives that demand quick response times and are geared towards gaining competitive advantage lose steam when execution is delayed.
Passengers 'shop' by scanning QR - Quick Response - codes of the items they want to buy using their . These goods are later delivered to their home address.
乘客们只需用 智能手机扫描他们所购买商品的快速反应码就可以轻松购物,这些商品不久就会送到家门口。
There are some well-known general best practices you can follow to overcome some of these technical and human factors and ensure a quick response web site.
Simulation shows that with advantages of simple structure, quick response, and robustness, the controller can effectively improve the control of the system.
The proposal which was unsuccessful also refers to “Airborne Quick Response and Special Unit Scouts (trained in paramilitary tactics and to work with aircraft).”
Employees will be asked to help keep areas around checkout counters clear and so-called "quick response teams" will be deployed to handle unexpected customer issues.
Passengers' shop 'by scanning QR - Quick Response - codes of the items they want to buy using their smartphones. These goods are later delivered to their home address.
Passengers' shop 'by scanning QR - Quick Response - codes of the items they want to buy using their smartphones. These goods are later delivered to their home address.