The pressure for quick results leads to product failure, which, in turn, arouses doubts about the applicability of AI technology to agriculture.
It lacks glamour. It promises no quick results.
We shouldn't be overanxious for quick results, but plan to move forward gradually.
我们做事不能急于求成, 得徐图前进。
Every patient hopes to get good medicine which can yield marvelously quick results.
The user-friendly interface of the program ensures quick results and safe photo processing.
No pain, no gain Many people tend to overdo their exercise programs looking for quick results.
This approach provides quick results and ensures openness and flexibility across Rational products.
The timid and the fainthearted, and people that expect quick results, are doomed to disappointment.
Never dream of quick results... Read aloud everyday for a certain length of time (not less than half an hour).
Nature is often the secret hidden in the quiet, impetuous, quick results will be difficult to touch the mystery.
Sports, physical fitness programs, exercise in general will make you feel better and show some pretty quick results.
Mr Obama's numbers seem the more remarkable given the large proportion of people who say that they do not expect to see quick results.
奥巴马的支持率似乎是不同凡响的。 但支持的人们说,他们并不认为美国状况会很快变化。
This topic main research goal is reducing the senseless material waste and the design waste, that Often is gets quick results to the enterprise.
其中,本课题的主要研究目的,减少无谓的物料浪费和设计浪费。 这一点,对企业往往是立竿见影的。
Too often today, those who provide scientists with the resources for their lives and work try to steer them in directions most likely to provide quick results.
Also, if you seek child support or a payout for insurance, or need to collect back unemployment payments, actions you take now will likely lead to quick results.
Many people tend to overdo their exercise programs looking for quick results. Doing so, however, may prove to be your downfall by resulting in injury or sore muscles.
With commanders under pressure to achieve quick results before American troop levels begin to ebb next year, this could be the bloodiest year yet of America's Afghan war.
The pressure from Washington for quick results led to what some now concede was the over-selling of the operation, creating inflated expectations and unrealistic deadlines.
The author summarized psychological factors in nurses for vein puncture, such as nervousness, lack of faith in their ability, unstable morale and being overanxious for quick results.
That I'm giving some reflections and explaining this shortcut-method of practice is in order for you all to take it and practice with it, so that you get quick results and don't have to waste time.
Several of these also build in visualization and documentation capabilities to produce quick and satisfying graphical results.
The high performer is quick to turn a workable idea into measurable and useful results for the organization.
A quick search on the Internet will throw up millions of results for novelty IDs, but as Det Chief Supt Nigel Mawer, head of SCD6, explained, these may just be a front for a more sinister business.
With a process set in place, you will do much better at achieving quick, quality results.
If you scroll down the page, you'll also discover that the displayed results are arranged according to the categories in the Quick Tabs section.
Often, when you are searching the Internet, you're looking for a quick answer to a question right at hand, and you don't have time to scan thru a bunch of search results just to find it.
Often, when you are searching the Internet, you're looking for a quick answer to a question right at hand, and you don't have time to scan thru a bunch of search results just to find it.