So I quickly concluded that I had to get off the stage and satisfy the crazy mob.
At a checkpoint outside Brega, we dismissed our driver and secured a ride with some rebels, in a red van that we quickly concluded was a scout vehicle.
"That will mean making education and training flexible enough to teach new skills quickly and efficiently," we concluded.
It is concluded that the method can quickly detect the trace Sb in enamel tableware with satisfactory results.
It was concluded that HFV inspiring oxygen could more effectively and quickly improve the patients' hypoxia, which can be adopted as a normal therapy for acute intracerebral injury.
HF V比常规吸氧能更有效、更迅速地改善病人缺氧状况,可作为脑外伤常规氧疗方法。
It is concluded that above two kinds of methods provide effective ways for connecting quickly the results of agricultural land gradation and the second national land survey.
It is concluded that above two kinds of methods provide effective ways for connecting quickly the results of agricultural land gradation and the second national land survey.