She cried, and stretched her hands out over a little blue crocus, that hung quite sickly on one side.
It was a clear little stream which ran quite merrily along on its narrow way through the luscious damp greenness.
She sobbed so unrestrainedly that good-natured Yorkshire Martha was a little frightened and quite sorry for her.
With a little practice, you can become quite fast at spotting any problems on your servers.
You're not done problem solving quite yet. Experience is a great teacher, if you're willing to take a little time for reflection.
Please don't make us tell you this one, quite frankly, it's a little bit embarrassing, but we love dirty girls.
I'm not a huge fan of electrical storms they scare me just a little, but I still find them really amazing and actually quite beautiful.
Lightning. I'm not a huge fan of electrical storms they scare me just a little, but I still find them really amazing and actually quite beautiful.
While I have quite little, and just stick everything into a drawer, I sometimes dream about new ways to organize them so they’re easy to grab at a moment’s notice.
They differ quite a bit in downloaded file size, but finding the features at first glance is a little trickier.
You lose the ability to really whale away on a site from your own test machine, but you get access to quite a broad array of platforms for very little cost—and sometimes for no cost at all.
您现在无法从自己的测试计算机中实际访问某个站点,但是,只需要很低的成本就可以访问大量平台 — 有些时候甚至不需要花一分钱。
You've taken a step, an action, that helps our only planet - the planet we depend on and cling to - breathe a little easier (quite literally).
I felt a little uneasy — a little fearful of my sister's happiness with him in marriage, because I knew that his conduct had not been always quite right.
There is quite a bit of logic required to prefill a little list-box and check box.
She reads a little Henry James because she thinks that makes her a better writer, somehow, but she doesn't quite know how.
I do hope it'll make me grow large again, for really I'm quite tired of being such a tiny little thing!
For a little food I am quite willing to sweep his carpets with a broken broom, to wash his clothes and to scrape the crumbs off the floor as soon as he has finished eating.
Working in a completely silent area can be quite distracting for some people, so adding in a little noise can help.
The disposals being forced on RBS owe little to competition or viability concerns and quite a bit to the punishment motive.
Why that is, is still up in the air, but we know a little bit and quite a little bit these days about the molecular and cellular biology that underlies exercise.
In the UK we do it now a little too quickly in my opinion, but getting a PhD before the age of 26 is quite possible.
The place is a bit strange in the sense that it’s a tourist trap but not really a resort — the bungalows are quite dull and a little shabby and the food so-so.
这个地方很奇怪,因为它并不能算作旅游胜地,可以说是游客的陷阱。 这里的平房很单调,有点破旧,食物一般般。
There are no a + 's; it sounds a little bit like college, but not quite.
没有所谓的A +,这听起来有点像大学,不过不大一样。
Underestimation of each finger length, from the thumb to the pinky, increased by about 7 percent in each finger, rendering the little finger quite a bit littler that it really was.
He produced plenty of elegant phrases but little that was new, and quite a bit that was confusing.
This is much more presentable, with quite satisfying lists of definitions, and examples of the word in context. A little bit of etymology, too.
In Canada there is quite a lot of snow every winter, but in the southern us there is usually very little.
At first glance, RDF data looks a little bit cumbersome and quite verbose.
Gowing is a little annoying; but his friend, Mr. Stillbrook, turns out to be quite amusing.
Gowing is a little annoying; but his friend, Mr. Stillbrook, turns out to be quite amusing.