This event was quite a big deal and the local newspapers reported this for seven days.
Now use quite a big diameter and make one lighted dot, as shown in the first image below.
To me, this seems quite a big wrinkle and explains why buying gold is not completely irrational.
Then they went to a nearby shop and bought another hat exactly like it, but quite a big larger.
Todd: How can I find my seat? You know it's quite a big theater and will be really crowded then.
Todd: How can I find my seat? You know it's quite a big theater and it will be really crowded then.
It was quite a big shop, with all the beautiful mahogany fitments that I now see in the antique shops.
If EU leaders agree to bail out Portugal, they may find they have already used quite a big chunk of their fund.
In the year 2003 there was quite a big gap between the booths of the international and the Chinese exhibitors.
It was quite a big black one, and made me jump. He went the other way and slithered pretty quickly up an embankment.
The manager had his reasons for changing it — and the fact that I was sitting at home, presumably, was quite a big factor.
Bishibang wine company is quite a big wine company in Australia, and the grape produced by it has a good fame in the local!
On the other hand, Yahoo has quite a big mix of text boxes and drop down boxes with different sizes, and they are not aligned.
When I got to the entrance of the Acropolis I met an old man. He told me that, today it was free. Quite a big surprise for me.
In the year 2007, an ancient city of quite a big scale was unearthed little by little by archeologists on the site of LIANGZHU.
If he's right – and admittedly that is quite a big "if" – then this record attempt of mine could last well into the next millennium.
In Singapore, buying a car is quite a big financial deal, so people are really apprehensive about buying a car they are not familiar with.
We've made quite a big deal about the ease of unit testing in MVC, and about our belief that unit testing is an important part of the development process.
We've made quite a big deal about the ease of unit testing in MVC, and about our belief that unit testing is an important part of the development process.
Class schedules for next semester, as a sophomore, seem quite a big task for me, considering all upcoming works and timing to come up with new musical creations.
我看了下大二的课程,感觉还有点繁重。 但是我还是得挤出时间规划我的工作,安排行程,创作新的歌曲。
If the customer is used to buying development with a fixed price model, or has formal guidelines, it can be quite a big-or even impossible-change for the customer.
In fact, quite a big part of it is made out of, this is a vicious circle: the state of no worries that the pursuit of pay, which is the largest source of trouble.
Then, they determined the shape and size of all these synapses, learning that the synapses in sleeping mice were 18 percent smaller than in awake ones. That's quite a big margin.
Now I'm very pleased that after this intensive training course, my English ability has leapt forward quite a big step, while my interest and confidence are both increasing vastly.
Although it's quite a big statement to make, we genuinely believe that Yamake will be one of the first games on the market where social location will really be showcased at its best.
In Europe, taxes account for up to four-fifths of the retail price, so even quite big changes in the price of crude have a more muted effect on pump prices than in the past.
In Europe, taxes account for up to four-fifths of the retail price, so even quite big changes in the price of crude have a more muted effect on pump prices than in the past.