My mother just told me to cherish it because she spent quite a lot of money on it.
We discovered that Barkis had saved quite a lot of money, which he left to Peggotty and Daniel.
He might have spent years, and quite a lot of money, on something that was going to prove to be a dead end.
But traveling as far as Cambridge and Bath would be quite expensive, maybe 30 pounds, which is quite a lot of money really, so.
但是这样坐火车旅行到剑桥或者巴思的话真的很贵啊,大概需要30英镑呢,这真的挺贵的是吧? 所以…
An excursion along its shores costs quite a lot but don’t feel sorry for your money cause you’ll get an enormous pleasure of this trip, especially if it’s taken in winter.
The seller makes a little extra money and the buyer saves quite a lot, since garage-sale items usually are priced at a very small part of their original cost.
There were probably a lot of arguments about money, property, and if you were going through a divorce this year, it was probably quite hellish.
For this reason and others, quite a lot of the money spent on Chinese goods actually ends up in the wallets of Americans.
Simon: : Oh, wow. That's quite a few. Travel in Japan is quite difficult actually. For those of usthat don't make a lot of money anyway.
西蒙:哦,哇!那真的很多。实际上在日本旅游很难。当然是对我们这种钱不多的人来说。 。
If you decide to visit Singapore, bring a lot of money; living in Singapore is quite expensive.
'it's a view we've had for several years. In the first year we spent quite a bit of money because we felt we had a lot of catch up to do.
Quite a few famous people have a lot of unattractive habits, such as arrogance, taking drugs, wasting money and so on.
Quite a few famous people have a lot of unattractive habits, such as arrogance, taking drugs, wasting money and so on.