Most of the people living here have not travelled much, and it's quite an experience to have a while aboard ship.
The father later commented, "It was quite an experience, opening each little piece of paper and reading the message."
Cargo trucks and even double-Decker tourist buses travel through the road on a daily basis, and it’s quite an experience.
Besides the famed Angkor wat and the Bayon temple, it is quite an experience to enjoy sightseeing by boat on the Tonle Sap, the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia.
Besides the famed Angkor wat and the Bayon temple, it is quite an experience to enjoy sightseeing by boat on the Tonle Sap, the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia.
Besides the famed Angkor wat and the Bayon temple, it is quite an experience to enjoy sightseeing by boat on the Tonle Sap, the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia.
Being part of a Chinese Musical Theater production has been quite an experience-but not too far off from the crazy, ever-changing, hectic, and fun experience of opening a show in New York City.
Here, comparative practice can be quite helpful, and today's conference is an opportunity for just this sort of exchange of views among practitioners and thinkers from a world of experience.
She doesn't quite have the experience or prestige to pull off such an epic role.
And although it's not quite like being in Istanbul, where you can take a short boat ride to dinner in another continent, it's certainly been an experience.
He said: "I am quite convinced the officer had an experience that day and one that we have not fully explored."
Underlying these various interpretations is the varied experience of iterating, and working on an iterative project, which appears quite different to different team members involved in the project.
Although it is difficult to consolidate all of your life's work experience into one sheet of paper, it is definitely do-able and it is quite possibly the most important factor in landing an interview!
Gesture are quite useful for the user experience and provide an easy and natural way to deal with the iPhone user interface.
While it fails to reach the height it aspires to —namely the novel's moral complexity — it's quite an entertaining experience with some timely issues on its mind.
Quite simply be cause no one tells us how to fail so that failure becomes an experience that will lead to growth.
While being advertised as an energizing experience, it feels quite the opposite; it feels dead.
His studies, combined with his extramural activities, gradually brought him into quite a different social orbit from the one he grew up in, which led to quite an enrichment of his life experience.
It is interesting to note that it is quite an interesting experience to go into a "Chinese" restaurant in America.
The railway departments have done an even more remarkable job in this respect, and the experience gained in Xuzhou is quite typical.
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Seeing that you have been an investor with our firm for quite some time, we would like to offer you an opportunity to submit a testimonial on your experience with us and get a chance to win $500!