However, the promise is often broken quite quickly and people are back into their bad habits within weeks or days.
In our view it has the wealth to improve the health of its people quite quickly.
Analysts say the scandal is a blow for the KPK but one from which it should recover quite quickly.
We took off upstairs quite quickly, put all the lights on and slept in the living room that night.
So quite quickly you can use your intelligence to change your perception of yummy bread to toxic sludge.
In this case, a global normal search using the Find what string of - should pick them out quite quickly.
"The good news is that countries have already acted quite quickly and decisively, I would say," he said.
Talking to a robot colleague might feel strange at first, but people seem to get used to it quite quickly.
But there's another question that follows quite quickly once you start looking at these very ancient things.
Each particle in a gas has a great amount of movement energy so that they are all travelling quite quickly .
I think markets adjust quite quickly and will find their own level once the period of uncertainty has passed.
With this wizard, you can quite quickly create a default Web application that takes an entire folder into account.
You are destined to overcome all problems quite quickly, and of course we will have a big hand in helping you.
We worry about rapid climate change and its effects but some species can adapt to climate change quite quickly too.
I had no savings, and was aware that financial ruin was imminent unless I managed to earn some money quite quickly.
If you have 100 idle agents, then 800mb of memory is retained by these agents, so they eat up RAM quite quickly.
Now comes a study finding that it’s possible to increase the brain’s gray matter quite quickly—in only a matter of days.
We answer this question instinctively and quite quickly because we have some intuitive sense of the whole experience.
When you have a word ending in an unvoiced consonant, you will notice that the preceding vowel is said quite quickly.
Unfortunately, the opening day tickets were easily counterfeited, so the park reached its full capacity quite quickly.
It will happen, and then the suffering upon Earth will be dealt with quite quickly, and a happy civilization will emerge.
"If black holes grow by merging, by combinations of black holes, they should spin down quite quickly," Blandford explains.
Scientists predicted that nothing would grow in the scorched, devastated area for at least 30 years-yet the plants came back quite quickly.
Each sequence would be played quite quickly so we were able to run through the majority of the commands plus traffic and fault handling.
In1914 Great Britain went to war, and the men who came back from the war found quite quickly exactly the opposite of a land fit for heroes.
It's a small strip of land that is still above ground and on both sides of the road it's nothing but floodwater that's rising quite quickly.
In some places it is indeed replenished quite quickly if rain or surface water is available and the geological and soil conditions are favourable.
If the efforts to seal off the leak that was left behind do not succeed soon, the final tally of destruction, if not death, may rise quite quickly.
If the efforts to seal off the leak that was left behind do not succeed soon, the final tally of destruction, if not death, may rise quite quickly.