I've found that I sometimes get a real happiness boost from giving something up, quitting something, or breaking a bad habit.
If the Universe hadn't wanted something of him, then a his wife would never have left him, and b the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would never have pressured him into quitting.
He became Godfrey's only writer in 1953, before quitting the lucrative work in 1955 because he felt he could be doing something more important.
When you become hyper-focused, for a few months your career may be your primary focus (which can be the case if you're working toward quitting your job and doing something you love for a living).
Reward yourself for quitting; you could take the money you might have spent on cigarettes and buy yourself something nice.
I never was one for quitting, and whenever I was tempted, something always happened to give me heart.
Maybe it's helping someone across the street.Maybe it's quitting the job you hate to go do something you love.
Maybe it's helping someone across the street. Maybe it's quitting the job you hate to go do something you love.
Maybe it's quitting the job you hate to go do something you love. Or maybe it's just sharing an idea that will inspire others to love every week they have left.
Quitting your job is not something an employee can do lightly, unless you have a lot of money stashed in the bank, or a job offer waiting in the background.
Try something risky like changing careers or quitting your job and working for yourself.
You might need something to spur you on, to keep you from quitting and returning to a closed mindset.
You might need something to spur you on, to keep you from quitting and returning to a closed mindset.