The paper starts its editorial comment with a quote from an unnamed member of the House.
"I have no special talent. I'm only passionately curious." This famous quote from Albert Einstein might tell the reason for his success.
She spots an interesting quote from a columnist in the business section.
I remember a quote from reading about Napoleon Hill, a phenomenal entrepreneur.
He shares a metal-price quote from a message on his gold-colored Changhongmobile phone.
A quote from a Macworld article I wrote a few months ago on Apple's environmental policies.
First, a quote from Marc Andreessen's "Guide to Startups, part 4: The only thing that matters"
He likened it to a "medieval call to crusade" -an almost verbatim quote from Qaddafi himself.
Consider the above quote from Lao Tzu, (perhaps mythical) father of Taoism: how can it be true?
It may indeed typify a famous quote from Roosevelt: The only thing we should fear is fear itself.
Even the writers of the New Testament books quote from several Greek translations of the Old Testament.
To quote from the press release issued by DLD-Conference: "Mitchell is a pioneer in the Internet industry."
Here is an interesting quote from dolph, taken from his website regarding his role as he-man.
For example, you could start your movie review with a quote from the film or with a comparison with other like movies.
Or you might Nick a quote from somewhere: 'my super dainty Kate' for instance, is nabbed from The Taming of The Shrew.
I've always liked this quote from Abraham Lincoln: "the dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present."
我一直很喜欢abraham Lincoln的这些话:“关于寂静的过去的教条对狂风暴雨的今天是不够的。”
To quote from the Web site, "A Knowledge Collection is a focused compilation of links to documents that share a common theme.
Now don't get the wrong idea. The article is not about getting rich overnight. In fact here a quote from the first paragraphs
On the cover of one of my books, Up from Eden, was a quote from Rollo: "Ken Wilber is the most passionate philosopher I know."
在我的一本书,《来自伊甸园》(Up from Eden,)的封面上,援引了罗洛说的一句话:“肯·威尔伯是我所见过的最有热情的哲学家。”
For example, calculating a car insurance quote from many smaller policies and rules grouped together to meet a higher level policy.
You simply build a Quote from each Stock object, and then add it to a Portfolio object that is returned to the servlet in Listing 3.
A quote from David put out by the University of Manchester saying "there is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer."
This sculpture had no known connection to Mr. Rankin, but it did quote from poet Edward Morgan - whose poem inspired the first sculpture.
ROWAN SOMERVILLE's second novel, "The Shape of Her", opens with a quote from William Faulkner: "The past is never dead, it's not even past."
And I quote from a letter offered by one of his former graduate students, Joseph Torres, who is now on the faculty at the University of Illinois.
Her Web site lists numerous endorsements22, including a quote from the Boston Globe: "the most celebrated and outspoken admissions dean in America."
Since neither of these on its own provides a complete solution, an algorithm was written to combine the two. To quote from the GNU Aspell manual.
I will quote from a dude who has this mindful thing mastered: Howard Thurman, who died in 1981, and was a mystic, theologian, minister, and activist.
If a client needs to get a stock quote from the server, it sends a request message to the server, and the server sends out a response message to the client.
If a client needs to get a stock quote from the server, it sends a request message to the server, and the server sends out a response message to the client.