Race has functioned as something necessary to the construction of American character and quality in the creation of our national identity—American has been defined as "white".
WHITE people tend to be nervous of raising the subject of race and education, but are often voluble on the issue if a black person brings it up.
More recently, an election this month to the Little Rock school board descended into an unseemly row about race because one candidate was white and the other black.
Sixteen per cent of white voters said that race had an influence on their decision-and almost half of those 16% suggested that they would not support Mr Obama in the general election.
One child in ten is now mixed race, which potentially means black and white twins will become far more common.
Yet he was also a "racialist" who believed in the superiority of the white race.
We may be able to decide whether someone is white only by seeing if they have none of the features that would mark them clearly as a member of another race.
My main guest that morning was Charlotte Fillmore, a one-hundred-year-old former White House employee who decades earlier had had to enter the White House through a special door because of her race.
That survey found that 55 percent of white voters believe race relations in the country are good at the present time, while only 29 percent of African-Americans feel the same way.
Mr Radelet thinks the race of the perpetrator makes little difference, but juries respond more vengefully when the victim is white.
It is a great speech about race, and race relations, particularly between black people and white people at the beginning of the 21st century.
Yet along the way he found that white more than black, women more than men, and old more than young prefer a same-race partner.
Though its supporters are still mainly white, a third of its 60 members of parliament are now black or coloured (mixed-race), as were many of its candidates in these local polls.
Some say this is a race America can't win. They're ready to wave the white flag and declare defeat.
Compared with blacks, proportionally more men in other groups marry outside their race: for example, 38% of Asian American men and Hispanic men married white women in 2008.
Dr Gerome Breen of king's College London has been working in Brazil, a country in which 86 per cent of the population are mixed-race, whether they look white or black.
Race was once a bar to the clubs and drawing-rooms of respectable society. Now a black man is in the White House.
In the past, Republicans often used race to make their opponents seem anti-white.
The tribute paid him by sportswriter Jimmy Cannon—“A credit to his race, the human race”—sounds condescending now, but it reflected the impact that Louis had on white perceptions.
There was an impassable barrier between the white race and the one which they had reduced to slavery.
And 60 years ago, researchers used the simple doll test to see how children view race, seeing their reaction to black and white baby dolls.
Riding a white boat race organized spontaneously by the people, there is no fixed organization and lead people.
The mounts for each race can differ in appearance. For instance, wolves' fur can be gray, white, black, or other colors.
Recent polls show Obama and McCain in a virtual dead heat in the race for the White House, with less than 10 weeks to go until Election Day on November 4.
Recent polls show Obama and McCain in a virtual dead heat in the race for the White House, with less than 10 weeks to go until Election Day on November 4.