It is the most common method to use radar reflectivity factor in quantitatively measuring rainfall amount.
Precipitation radar's standard algorithms of retrieving radar reflectivity factor are introduced first and an improved method is brought forward.
The simulation of radar reflectivity factor indicates that the simulation of snowstorm's precipitation distribution and intensity were reasonable.
The precipitation process can be explored through the simulation of the CAPE and radar reflectivity factor and other physic index from the WRF model.
This paper using the Z-M experience relations of the Doppler weather radar reflectivity factor Z and moisture content M to inverse the moisture content.
Heavy rain is close connected with the deep convective cloud clusters and convective cells with the strong radar reflectivity, high echo top and big VIL.
Heavy rain is closely connected with the deep convective cloud clusters and convective cells with the strong radar reflectivity, high echo top and big VIL.
An automatic identification algorithm for the removal of bright band from radar reflectivity data is introduced and tested by case analysis and pre-operational run.
Usually, conventional incoherent weather radar is used to provide only the information on the position of a weather target and its radar reflectivity by detecting echo intensity.
The most commonly used form of radar energy return mapping is the Base Reflectivity graph.
Do not include the radar base reflectivity image as it can make precise area location more difficult.
Although focusing on radar return data for "Echo Tops" and "Merged Reflectivity Composite" maps, these techniques are applicable to any set of planar images.
Projection data is obtained from an integration of the reflectivity coefficients of the objects along the circular arc of the wavefront with a radar beamwidth.
Reflectivity Displacement Method (RDM) is a classical algorithm of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) autofocus processing, whose performance degenerates with low contrast of the scene.
Reflectivity Displacement Method (RDM) is a classical algorithm of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) autofocus processing, whose performance degenerates with low contrast of the scene.