The radiating fin is designed in wave shape, in order to enlarge the radiating surface and the contact surface.
When calculating the wattage capabilities of a Element, the unit of watts output per unit of radiating surface area is used.
Figure 1 shows the recommended watt loading for a square inch or square centimeter of radiating surface as a function of furnace temperature.
To find the total amount of power one Element could supply under these conditions, multiply this value by the radiating surface of the Element.
On the basis of analysis of phosphorus-burn furnace at home and abroad, a new type furnace with radiating surface, which can recover the residual heat, is introduced.
In operation, the motor structure operates as a linear motor, causing radiating surface 14 to vibrate along a axis of motion 22 (hereinafter "axis"), radiating pressure waves.
As the capacity of the atmosphere to absorb infrared radiation increases, the radiating level and the temperature of the surface must rise.
Other signs include pain radiating into the hip socket, or down the outside of the leg, or deep inside the belly over the anterior surface of the S-I joint.
If more high clouds were to form, more heat energy radiating from the surface and lower atmosphere toward space would be trapped in the atmosphere, and Earth's average surface temperature would climb.
The laser vibrometer based on the surface vibration for measuring and analyzing the radiating noise of the 4120SG diesel engine is proposed.
The motor shell with the radiating fins has the advantages of excellent radiating effect, good surface quality, convenient processing, and lower manufacturing cost.
The motor shell with the radiating fins has the advantages of excellent radiating effect, good surface quality, convenient processing, and lower manufacturing cost.