The latest treatment - proton radiation therapy - involves a proton accelerator that can be as big as a football field.
A surgeon can remove as much of the brain tumor as is safe and prescribe chemo - and radiation therapy, but the cancer will grow back.
And more recently we did another acquisition to deradio-surgery for removing tumors not basically using radiation therapy.
Cancer patients here on Earth who undergo new forms of radiation therapy using protons or carbon ions, said Borak, could also benefit from the dosimeter.
Although high doses of radiation can lead to cancer, radiation therapy targeted at tumors is used to treat cancer.
Radiation therapy we've known for a long time - radiation therapy to the brain can cause learning problems.
An integrated health system can also include home health agencies, radiation therapy facilities, physical therapy facilities, long-term care services, and other health-related entities.
It’s a non-ionizing type of electromagnetic radiation, as opposed to the ionizing radiation used in radiation therapy, for example.
That dose is about 10,000 times that typical exposure rate for the U.S., but it is applied to the cancerous tissue; the total-body exposure during radiation therapy is much less.
That dose is about 10, 000 times that typical exposure rate for the U.S., but it is applied to the cancerous tissue; the total-body exposure during radiation therapy is much less.
It will take a while to determine whether this will work. But if it does, radiation therapy for cancer could become a lot less traumatic and a lot more effective.
Also, information may be provided by diagnostic laparoscopy before planning a formal exploration of the abdomen, chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
Radiation therapy and chemotherapy can shrink tumors and help control symptoms, such as bone pain or blocked airways.
They said the cancer was inoperable and I should be prepared for chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Symptoms usually subside after completion of radiation therapy.
This study is the largest ever reported to date to evaluate zinc sulfate in the treatment or prevention of taste alteration for patients receiving radiation therapy for head and neck cancer.
Objective To discuss the clinical value and sensitizing effect of tumor radiosensitizer in the radiation therapy of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.
Radiation therapy, also called radiotherapy, is a highly targeted, effective way to destroy microscopic tumors that may have escaped surgery.
The researchers set out to learn if they could enhance the effect of radiation therapy for lung and brain cancers by inhibiting this enzyme.
Below 1, 800 it's not as clear and some children really don't seem to have any difficulties with lower doses of radiation therapy.
The possibility of post irradiation sarcoma after radiation therapy should not be a major factor influencing treatment decision in the patient with breast cancer.
Previous academic studies have suggested that the use of zinc sulfate could help patients regain their sense of taste more quickly after radiation therapy.
Proctitis is common in patients undergoing pelvic radiation therapy.
He attributes his success to augmenting his treatments of conventional surgery and radiation therapy, with becoming a vegan at the recommendation of Tibetan doctors.
Refinements in treatment have increased the 5-year survival to close to 70 percent, but treatment still involves invasive surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Cranial radiation therapy should undergo neurocognitive testing at baseline, then whenever the clinical need arises.
One side effect of radiation therapy is exhaustion caused as the body works to repair damage to healthy cells. Typically fatigue occurs in the later weeks of treatment.
Widespread cell death in these tissues is responsible for the most common adverse effects of anticancer radiation therapy.
Purpose: to evaluate the clinical outcome and dosimetry analysis of postoperative intensity-modulated radiation therapy for esophageal cancer.
Purpose: to evaluate the clinical outcome and dosimetry analysis of postoperative intensity-modulated radiation therapy for esophageal cancer.