Secondly, we introduce scattering theory and scalar radiative transfer theory for the soot.
The radiative source term in the energy equation is expressed by radiative transfer coefficients.
The exact solution of radiative transfer in multi-layers was fully discussed, especially for DISORT.
The paper proposes a parameterized model based on the vegetation canopy radiative transfer model SAILH.
建立了一种基于植被冠层辐射传输模型SAILH 的参数化模型。
This paper mainly discusses the effects of reflection and refraction on the radiative transfer in water surface.
Numerical approach to vector radiative transfer equation for a layer of densely random, spherical scatterers is discussed.
Numerical scattering is one of the most common discretization errors in the numerical method for radiative transfer equation.
This paper summarizes three methods of atmospheric correction, and atmospheric radiative transfer model is the most accurate method.
The discrete ordinate approximation method of three dimensional radiative transfer equation in absorbing scattering medium is expounded.
Based on the vector radiative transfer theory, the theoretical model of foil clouds with complex structure and great number has been built.
A difference quotient-numerical integration method is adopted to solve radiative transfer problems in an anisotropic scattering slab medium.
The radiative transfer theory of Stokes vectors is developed to study multiple-scattering, propagation, and thermal emission in random media.
The inverse problem is solved using conjugate gradient method of minimization based on discrete ordinates method of radiative transfer equation.
This paper presents a variable multigroup method for calculation in non-equilibrium radiative transfer considered atomic line cross section shift.
Based on radiative transfer equation, a model which has high precision and compute fast has been designed. The convergence of this model has been confirmed.
Finally, using the developed vector radiative transfer code with adding doubling method, we had generated the exact Rayleigh scattering look up tables for COCTS.
These two computation schemes are very fast and rather accurate, so that they are suitable for the calculations of IR radiative transfer in general circulation …
The main contents of this study are as follows:1, Making atmospheric correction with 6S radiative transfer model, combined with synchronous meteorologic records;
The scattering and reflection of light by clouds are studied by scalar radiative transfer theory. The plane albedos and bidirectional reflectance of clouds are given.
The discrete ordinate method and the control volume method are employed to solve the radiative transfer equation and the energy equation combined with the N-S equation.
采用离散坐标法、控制容积法耦合求解辐射传递方程、能量方程及N - S方程。
To study radiative transfer in a participating medium composed of gas and particles, with arbitrary concentrations of particles, a Monte Carlo simulation has been developed.
This paper discusses the method of applying the atmospheric radiative transfer model to forecast UV radiation (UVR) based on the T106 global spectral model and gives its results.
文章介绍了在T1 0 6全球谱模式中应用大气辐射传输模式预报紫外线辐射(UVR)的方法,给出了试验运行的结果。
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the analysis of radiative transfer in multidimensional absorbing, emitting, and scattering media with collimated irradiation.
Radiative transfer plays a key role in forest ecosystems. Solar radiation provides energy for photosynthesis, appropriate ambient temperature and development information for plants.
Considering incident and scattering directions of radiative energy, radiative transfer coefficients for anisotropic scattering medium with diffuse and opaque boundary surfaces are deduced.
The reflection function and plane albedo, transmissivity, absorptivity of the three types of clouds are evaluated with the adding_doubling method by solving the radiative transfer equation.
The propagation and redistribution of radiation in surface-atmosphere medium can be fully described by vector radiative transfer equation, which is the basis of quantitative remote sensing.
The key issue in external calibration of microwave radiometer on board satellite is the determination of brightness temperature on the pupil of antenna by using radiative transfer equation.
This, paper gives some approximative solving methods of radiative transfer equation in astrophysics. It is found that mathematical approximations of ten are complete and accurate in physics.
In this paper, the effect of Legendre expansion of scattering phase function with a finite number of terms on solving radiative transfer equation is studied and an improved algorithm suggested.