The thing is, with the radio astronomy, you can't just set up a telescope in your backyard and observe stars.
We might as well give up on optical astronomy and go with radio astronomy.
The extension of astronomy from visible light to radio waves to x-rays and gamma rays never failed to lead to the discovery of unusual objects such as radio galaxies, quasars, and pulsars.
从可见光扩展到无线电波,再到X 射线和伽马射线,天文学总是会发现不寻常的物体,如射电星系、类星体和脉冲星。
Currently, he is involved in high-energy particle physics and high-energy neutrino astronomy using radio telescopes.
In radio astronomy, as in particle physics, bigger kit is better-a larger telescope can gather fainter signals and produce sharper images.
在射电天文学里,比如粒子物理学里面,更大的配套元件会更好- - -一个更大的望远镜可以收集到较微弱的信号并产生更清晰的图像。
The International Telecommunications Union reserves a special radio band in the 1400-1427 MHz range, called the L-band, especially for Earth-observing satellites and space astronomy.
国际电信联盟保留了1400- 1427MHz范围内的特殊无线电频段,亦称L -频段,特别供地球探测卫星和太空天文使用。
I called my radio astronomy friends yesterday and I asked them, "What is the rotation period of the neutron star in the Crab Nebula?"
But the physics of radio astronomy means they are, nevertheless, relatively crude.
On another cutting edge of radio astronomy is a brand new international observatory that's under construction in Chile's Atacama Desert.
There are proposals for doing radio astronomy from the lunar farside, which will probe the dark ages of the Universe and look back to when the first stars turned on.
Australia has more experience with radio astronomy, but South Africa has the advantage of lower costs and ease of access.
The technique has been highly successful in radio astronomy, and in both satellite and aircraft borne radar.
The first complete implementation was used in 1971 on a DEC PDP-11 for the National Radio Astronomy Observatory's 11-meter radio telescope in Arizona.
而第一个完整的软件是1971年用在DECPDP-11 这台控制阿里桑娜州的NationalRadio AstronomyObservatory's 11-meter radio telescope ( 国家射电天文台的 11 米射电望远镜 ) 的电脑上.
The first serious attempt to listen for possible radio signals from other civilizations was carried out at the National radio Astronomy Observatory in Greenbank, West Virginia, in1959 and1960.
A new science, Radio astronomy, has emerged, and it is very closely allied to astronomy, astro - physics and physics.
For instance, radio astronomy allows observations of cosmic microwave radiation, thus offering a way of detecting the edge of the universe.
This course explores the detection and measurement of radio and optical signals encountered in communications, astronomy, remote sensing, instrumentation, and radar.
Both at home and abroad, it has succeeded in appling to the medical diagnosis, geophysics, radio astronomy etc.
Main equipments for radio astronomy observation and research in China is introduced, and the correlation information is offered for bring up astronomers in radio astronomy observation and research.
The status of radio astronomy observation and research status in China is summarized, and the foreground of radio astronomy observation and research is previewed.
The Development of the solar radio astronomy at Yunnan Observatory since 1979 has been reviewed in this paper.
A new science, Radio ASTROnomy, has emerged, and it is very closely allied to ASTROnomy, ASTRO-physics and physics.
Radio astronomy today is armed with the largest antennas in the world.
It comes from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.
"Markarian 739 West shows no evidence of being an AGN in visible, ultraviolet and radio observations," said coauthor Sylvain Veilleux, a professor of astronomy at UMCP.
Abstract: Correlator plays an important role in radio interferometry astronomy.
The Low Noise Amplifier is widely used in Universe Communication, Radars, Electronic Countermeasures, Telemetry and Remote Mapping, Radio Astronomy, Geodetic, Microwave Communications, etc.
The Millimeters Wave Radio Astronomy Database will also provide data storage, network publish and shared use for these observing data.
The Millimeters Wave Radio Astronomy Database will also provide data storage, network publish and shared use for these observing data.