Radio buttons are good for displaying all possible choices and limiting the selection to a single value.
The sample application also provides the user with a group of radio buttons as a means to switch from one language to another.
It took less than 10k of JSP code to implement a set of tag files that produce the basic form elements: lists, text fields, radio buttons, check boxes, and submit buttons.
With radio buttons, though, when any of the three options is set, the other two are automatically set to 0.
To demonstrate the capabilities we've just described, the program in Listing 1 presents three radio buttons that allow you to select which of the three cue Settings you desire.
Thus, this form would not be rendered correctly on platforms that do not support radio buttons.
Radio buttons are familiar to all GUI users: a series of mutually exclusive options are defined.
You'll also learn how to modify the ICONS used to draw widgets such as check boxes, radio buttons, trees, and file dialogs.
Listing 3 contains the JSP code for the form page containing radio buttons and my preselected value.
This view provides a form that allows users to enter a search string and a series of radio buttons that allow users to search specific entries in the index.
XDIME also supports controls like menu lists, checkboxes, and radio buttons.
Figure 1 shows one panel of the demonstration application, containing several common component types such as entry fields, radio buttons, check boxes, and buttons.
The size of the ICONS used in check boxes and radio buttons should be adapted to the size of their font.
The tag defines text fields, check boxes, and radio buttons.
A JSP with a form that shows the radio buttons in the required state.
The following row of the form's table contains three radio buttons (see Listing 12).
Another difference you'll notice are several radio buttons and a checkbox for selecting the superclass.
Listing 9 shows the Accessibility Toolkit's utility methods for defining radio buttons in button groups.
Appropriately choose check boxes, radio buttons, spin buttons, etc. Choose the terminology used, i.e. words appearing on buttons, check boxes, etc.
It includes a form that lets the end user enter a new CD into the system and a list of radio buttons that lets him select a music category.
You use the radio buttons on this page of the wizard to specify the cardinality of the relationship.
For a group of radio buttons or check boxes, the label should be for each individual button, not the header above the button group.
To create a table display with radio buttons (see Figure 4) as the column type, you will use these property files.
You can turn check boxes into radio buttons by specifying a radiogroup attribute whose value is the name of the group of mutually exclusive buttons.
Form elements can include radio buttons, check boxes, text areas, text fields, and list boxes.
表单元素可包括单选按钮(radio button)、复选框(check box)、文本区域(text area)、文本域(text field)和列表框(list box)。
Based on the Himalayas example, the recipe for creating dynamically selected radio buttons in Struts consists of five pieces.
The SupportForm.jsp page contains basic HTML components, such as input boxes, lists, radio buttons, a check box, and a submit button.
Specifically, the — radiolist command renders to mimic radio buttons.
Radio - a sticky mark that is exclusive with all other radio buttons in the same group.
Radio - a sticky mark that is exclusive with all other radio buttons in the same group.