The Georgian leader said in a radio broadcast that he still favoured dialogue between the opposing sides.
Radio broadcast exercises were first launched in 1951, according to state media.
Many Iraqis can hear me tonight in a translated radio broadcast, and I have a message for them.
"I'm not a fugitive," the former editor said in an interview with el-Shinta radio broadcast Friday.
The voice in the mysterious radio broadcast that plays after the end credits is director Matt Reeves.
NARRATOR: in a radio broadcast, Keynes expressed his hope that what worked in war would work in peace.
In our radio broadcast, Jan and I explore (just hit the "Listen" button on this page) possible explanations for this tendency to slip into turns.
Try to listen to the radio broadcast inside the Expo Park. It will tell you which pavilions are crowded and how long it will take to get through a queue.
The final Mandarin language broadcast, on 25 March, came a day before the BBC's Vietnamese service transmitted its last radio broadcast after almost 60 years on air.
A radio broadcast went out asking fishermen to bring in larger nets to the isolated area, not far from the posh Sofitel resort that was virtually flattened by the tsunami.
Even the loyal are not immune: in a radio broadcast, Vladimir Soloviev, a pro-Kremlin commentator, fumed that the right to choose, whether food or clothing, "separates humans from pigs".
It involves pointing a radio receiver at a candidate star (one that is sunlike and not too far away) and listening for some sort of steady signal - an alien radio broadcast, on all the time.
In Julia Eckel's painting "radio broadcast" a group of actors and musicians gather around a large radio microphone. You can almost hear the lively radio theater program they were broadcasting.
在朱莉娅。埃科尔的绘画作品《Radio Broadcast》(《广播》),表现的是一群艺术家和音乐家们围拢在一个很大的播音器周围,你可以听到他们在剧院地演唱的现场广播。
Mr. Smith hurriedly sought to retract the statement, but it had just been broadcast on national radio.
He flipped on the radio to get the hourly news broadcast.
Local radio stations serving coastal areas often broadcast forecasts for yachtsmen.
In a broadcast on state radio the government announced that it was willing to resume peace negotiations.
The rebellious officers, having seized the radio station, broadcast the news of the overthrow of the monarchy.
This is lower or comparable to RF exposures from radio or television broadcast transmitters.
Ambient radio waves have largely been ignored as a potential power source until recently, because the power of a broadcast radio signal rapidly decreases with distance.
His inspirational shows were broadcast on hundreds of radio and TV stations.
There are many possibilities available through live streaming nowadays; read How to broadcast radio from your computer for more details.
The curved lines represent radio waves, a symbol of the broadcast nature of the RSS feed.
And he was able to go out to various radio stations and have them broadcast the number to have people text in their location and needs.
Further, radio and television broadcast stations have been in operation for the past 50 or more years without any adverse health consequence being established.
Further, radio and television broadcast stations have been in operation for the past 50 or more years without any adverse health consequence being established.