In 1971, she began working part-time on a radio programme.
In 1971, she began working part -time on a radio programme.
Mike Huckabee has been a frequent guest on his radio programme.
Wang Xiao has taken notes from a radio programme about New York City.
As well as a popular TV show, he puts out a radio programme and bestselling books.
During a radio programme, a company of biscuit manufacturers once asked listeners to bake biscuits and send them to their factory.
During a radio programme, a company of biscuit manufacturers once asked listeners to bake biscuits and send them to their factory.
Long years ago, sometimes it seems many lives ago, I was at Oxford listening to the radio programme Desert Island Discs with my young son Alexander.
"I am sure it is of great value, I haven't seen it, but I think you can do this kind of thing much, much more cheaply," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.
In Malawi children who have been raped or forced into marriage are encouraged to write letters to Radio Timweni, a national news programme, which then interviews them.
"If the (LHC) continues to make such beautiful progress as is happening in the last few months we will be able to find the Higgs boson, which will be major," he told Radio 4's Today programme.
“如果强子对撞机能保持像前几个月那样出色的进展,我们也就能够发现希格斯波色子,这是最重要的。”他向Radio4s Today节目组透露道。
to authorize others to reproduce and distribute the radio or television programme, and to receive remuneration therefor.
Article 42 a radio station or television station shall, in respect of a programme produced by it, enjoy the right.
UNICEF Radio and the education in emergencies programme will be conducting a series of similar workshops in other countries in the coming months.
Roger Harrabin, 6th April 2007. The Today Programme, Radio 4.
Dr Micklewright conducted the research for The eSportsman, a Radio Four programme set to be broadcast on Friday.
Prof Ferguson, who sits on the World Health Organisation's emergency committee for the outbreak, told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: "This virus really does have full pandemic potential.
Last night I listened to an interesting programme on the radio.
Theresa May, the home secretary who cut short her holiday, also faced criticism for a highly cautious interview on Radio 4's Today programme on Tuesday.
The radio station suddenly bit off its regular programme and had an important news item broadcast instead.
"When I left I said it was only because I could see what was on the horizon," he told Radio Five's Sportsweek programme.
British politicians of all hues tune into the BBC's "Today" programme, the morning radio show that sets the nation's political agenda and referees the facts.
The new phone-in formula for Radio 2's request programme "Your Concerto choice" has been widely criticized.
The new phone-in formula for Radio 2's request programme "Your Concerto choice" has been widely criticized.