I personally arranged for the demonstration against radioactive waste dumping in the Atlantic Ocean.
While safety concerns are at the forefront this week, many observers point out an equally urgent problem is what to do with the radioactive waste produced by nuclear plants.
One of the biggest problems the nuclear industry faces is what to do with the radioactive waste it produces.
The illegal dumping in the region of barrels of radioactive waste from European hospitals and factories, which has also been reported, has probably been similarly deterred, if it was taking place.
The group says the plan fails to ensure that radioactive waste is managed as close as possible to the site where it was produced.
Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site.
Some groups oppose nuclear power stations because they produce radioactive waste and could release radioactive material if there was an accident.
A warm winter, and dire warnings by scientists about climate change, convinced many that carbon emissions might be a bigger danger than nuclear accidents or radioactive waste.
Nuclear energy is less polluting than gas from a climate-changing perspective, but it is costly and viewed skeptically in the United States because of the dangers of disposing of radioactive waste.
NUCLEAR power does not emit greenhouse gases, but the technology does have another rather nasty by-product: radioactive waste.
The General Atomics program, if successful, could provide a partial solution to one of the biggest problems associated with nuclear energy: figuring out what to do with highly radioactive waste.
Opponents respond that even if you resolve daunting radioactive waste, environmental risk and security issues, exorbitant construction costs remain.
Thiol-SAMMS can also recover precious metals such as copper and gold, and researchers are now switching out the sulfur for other atoms so that it could mop up radioactive waste.
Major concerns include storing its radioactive waste, about keeping plutonium out of the wrong hands, and repeats of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl-type disasters.
At present, says Dr Demkowicz, reactors burn only around 1% of their fuel, so even a modest increase in fuel burn would leave less radioactive waste.
The crew of a helicopter was told Wednesday to stop dumping water and chemicals on a boiling pool of high-level radioactive waste because of elevated levels of radiation.
Even in the best case scenario from this point onward, is the Fukushima site now a radioactive waste dump for years to come?
But had a nuclear reactor been damaged on either boat, it could have poisoned the crew and spread radioactive waste for miles across the Atlantic.
Despite decades of nuclear power use, no country has yet solved the problem of how to permanently and securely deal with radioactive waste.
Fukushima city, 35 miles from the nuclear plant, contained enough radioactive waste to fill 10 baseball stadiums, he said.
The disposal of solid radioactive waste in inland waters or oceans is prohibited.
The one active mine in the United States, operated by the company Molycorp in Mountain Pass, California, halted production in 1998 after a radioactive-waste spill and was shuttered four years later.
Engaging in activities for the storage or disposal of solid radioactive waste without a licence or at variance with the relevant provisions of the licence is prohibited.
Officials say there are now six tanks leaking radioactive waste at the Hanford nuclear reservation in Washington state.
They have found applications in almost all the process industries for everything from roasting chocolate beans to freezing vegetables, recovering acetone to solidifying radioactive waste.
The research concerns in the data analysis and detection efficiency calculation based on Monte-Carlo method for non-destructive assay radioactive waste measurement instrument.
This paper describes the application, features, use limitation, use process and applied examples of AMBER software used for safety assessment of radioactive waste disposal system.
It is of very important significance to understand unsaturated water vadose through two layer porous media in design of cover of near surface repository of radioactive waste.
The firm has contracts to maintain existing reactor fleets around the world, and is involved in processing radioactive waste and decommissioning old nuclear facilities.
The firm has contracts to maintain existing reactor fleets around the world, and is involved in processing radioactive waste and decommissioning old nuclear facilities.