No one knows how neutrinos could interact with radioactive materials to change their rate of decay.
Ephraim Fischbach, a physics professor at Purdue, was looking into the rate of radioactive decay of several isotopes as a possible source of random numbers generated without any human input.
A lump of radioactive cesium-137, for example, may decay at a steady rate overall, but individual atoms within the lump will decay in an unpredictable, random pattern.
The story begins, in a sense, in classrooms around the world, where students are taught that the rate of decay of a specific radioactive material is a constant.
Because of the continuous decay, the quantity of radioactive material and the rate of emission of radiation decrease steadily.
On the basis of distribution of radioactive elements and geological background, the theory equation of radon exhalation rate is derived from the decay rule of radioactive elements and gas diffusion.
The water temperature originates in geothermy warming rate and the radioactive element decay has the heat energy.
The water temperature originates in geothermy warming rate and the radioactive element decay has the heat energy.