For example, using up more land to build rail and water networks can destroy landscapes and habitats.
This is to create a not-for-profit holding company for Scottish Water, rather as Welsh Water and Network Rail are organised now.
BEIJING - Transport authorities are forecasting that passengers will make nearly 700 million trips by rail, road and water across the country during the upcoming National day holiday.
Products of Western Canada's farms, ranches, forests, coal mines, and industries are sent by rail to Vancouver and then by water to the ports of the world.
When they drew close, we turned on a high-pressure fire hose so all this salt water began to come out and douse the rail on which they'd erected a metal ladder, and were going up.
There are five basic modes of transportation. They are water transport, rail transport, truck transport, air transport and pipeline transport.
This applies to motor freight, rail, air, and water shipments.
The modes differ in terms of operation characteristics and capabilities, giving them comparative advantages and disadvantages. The five major modes are water, rail, truck, pipeline and air.
Countries in the region should join hands and speed up infrastructure construction including rail, road, air and water transportation.
Usually, there is a tank filled with mixture of water and alcohol, employed as couplant on the ultrasonic rail detect car.
Planning a variety of transportation options, including inter-city rail, subway, bus, boat, water buses, and improve bicycle and pedestrian system, connecting all kinds of convenient transportation.
And companies are moving more goods by rail and by water, along coasts and inland water ways waterways.
Coal and grain are typical commodities for which rail transportation is employed over long distances, when water transportation is not available.
Products of Western Canada's harvests, ranches, jungles, coal mines, and industries are sent by rail to Vancouver and then by water to the ports of the world.
The paper introduces the bed leveling technique with underwater rail suspended on barge and positioned by GPS in deep water channel regulation works at estuary of Yangtze River.
Hours later, I climbed up on the stern rail and watched the dark Atlantic slip beneath the hull. How easy it would be to let the water take me, I thought.
Students proposed to re-design the Victoria Park to include a performance stage, environmentally friendly sightseeing rail, a Ferris wheel, a maze, a water slide and a museum.
This is most evident in the area of infrastructure, where China has put into place airports, DAMS, high-speed rail, water and electricity systems to feed its growing industrial base.
Not only will we take the high-speed rail, but also go surfing, jet skiing and white water rafting.
我们不但会搭高 铁,还会去冲浪、玩水上摩托车,还有激流泛舟。
Not only will we take the high-speed rail, but also go surfing, jet skiing and white water rafting.
我们不但会搭高 铁,还会去冲浪、玩水上摩托车,还有激流泛舟。