The technique worksbecause when water evaporates at sea, a combination of hydrogen and oxygenisotopes rise to form a cloud, which then releases rain when it moves inland.
The technique works because when water evaporates at sea, a combination of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes rise to form a cloud, which then releases rain when it moves inland.
So during a drought you may not be able to enhance rain in the cloud system.
In the light of the king's countenance is life; and his favour is as a cloud of the latter rain.
When a king's face brightens, it means life; his favor is like a rain cloud in spring.
The forest of Madeira is known as Laurissilva, a forest that is similar to high-altitude tropical rain forests (“cloud forests”).
马德拉岛上的森林被称为“拉乌瑞席尔瓦”(Laurissilva, 注2 ),这是一种类似于高海拔热带雨林(所谓“云雾林”)的森林类型。
I think it has a cool little message; that no matter how dark the cloud is above you or how cold the rain, there is hope that things will pass and stuff gets better.
But the cloud is not rain as yet; the change into rain will depend upon circumstances that may be easily guessed.
WHEN our farewell moment came, like a low-hanging rain-cloud, I had only time to tie a red ribbon on your wrist, while my hands trembled.
Then as quickly the rain stopped and a low-lying monster cloud filled with a muggy kind of light and a crowding heat blanketed everything.
"When the toxic cloud falls down, it ACTS like acid rain, damaging plants and monuments," Ribeiro added.
Those mighty winds pulled in a band of cloud and some patchy rain through the small hours, and into the first part of the morning.
The gloomy day grew darker as he spoke; a curtain of cloud underspread the sky and a few drops of rain fell audibly.
In other years rain, wind or low temperatures and cloud played a part in delivering rotten grapes in small quantities.
Apparently the effects of jet planes punching through clouds are similar to "cloud seeding" operations, where ice crystals are created in the atmosphere to make it rain.
What we can not do is make a cloud produce rain if it is not ready to produce it.
I decided to use it to my benefit and got this cloud formation a few minutes after the rain had started over the.
Xia is gorgeous, rain is tranSPArent, cloud is persistent, rain is loving, beth was anxious, love is sincere, star is eternal, you are unforgettable.
A curtain of cloud underspread the sky and a few drops of rain fell audibly.
March breeze, faint trace strands of fresh air Yin dye, dry cloud of tears, one drop of rain Lin Ling.
Storm clouds drop as little as 10 percent of their water as rain or snow, but "cloud seeding" has been used since the 1950s to coax more from them.
The wind is transparent, the rain is tick, the cloud is flowing, the song is free, love is the heart, the sky is eternal, you are unforgettable.
I am the autumn cloud, empty of rain, see my fulness in the field of ripened rice.
After seven days of sincere prayer for rain, the sun was still scorching without a cloud insight.
After seven days of sincere prayer for rain, the sun was still scorching without a cloud insight.