The city of Raleigh and Wake County partnered to develop a project that would retrofit 10 firehouses and one Emergency Medical Service (EMS) station with large capacity cisterns and rain gardens.
The lack of rain is also affecting power production. Hydropower plants in Hunan province are producing less that a third of their capacity.
But Africa's rain falls more variably than, say, Norway's, and its DAMS often operate below capacity.
The radical change allows street widths to be reduced while increasing retention capacity to handle daily and extreme rain events.
The Impact of disastrous weather of rain, snow and ice on supply of coal, power and oil and the transportation capacity.
The tropical mountain rain forest located at mid-high altitude with slight anthropogenic disturbance had the highest soil nutrient-holding capacity and integrated soil quality index.
The conception of rainfall capacity and stability factor-rainfall capacity are defined, rainfall capacity means together effect by rain intensity and rain time.
In hydraulic design of rain water pipeline the discharge capacity of the pipeline will be infinitive because the hydraulic factors that influence the capacity are uncertain.
The key factors of the regional storm and hard rain are the input capacity of low-level moisture.
The rain-feed and ridge culture covering technology for enhancing drought resistant capacity of cultivated land and another way for solving irrigation problem.
The rain-feed and ridge culture covering technology for enhancing drought resistant capacity of cultivated land and another way for solving irrigation problem.