The legislature's move to raise the salary has done nothing to improve the situation because it was coupled with a ban on receiving money for lectures and teaching engagements.
Be ready to ask for a raise or negotiate a salary for a new job in the workweek that follows.
Knowing how your salary stacks up to others can help you decide if a raise is warranted and timely.
Even though labor accounts for a small percentage of the final cost of many products, salary increases are expected to affect much of the supply chain and force companies to raise prices.
A better strategy is to wait for the hiring manager to raise the subject of salary.
The layoffs of other workers can create an opportunity for a raise for those who are still employed, says Jack Chapman, a salary-negotiation coach based in Wilmette, Ill.
伊利诺伊州威尔米特的薪资谈判顾问杰克•查普曼(Jack Chapman)说,公司裁员能为那些被留用的员工创造加薪机会。
Unless there is a company-wide salary freeze at your firm, not getting a raise at your last performance review is a sign that you're not valued.
Imagine how much better you could negotiate for a raise if you knew everybody's salary.
Even in a down economy, you can negotiate your salary — whether for a new job, a promotion, or a raise in your current position.
You may bring up with your boss about your salary raise because he seems to be in a happy mood today.
Although he is very lazy, bill is still able to get a raise in his salary by brown nosing the boss.
A "raise" is an increase in your salary, the amount of money that you earn for doing your job.
One of our salesmen asked for a raise in salary today, and said he'd have to leave if we didn't give him a raise.
If you didn't do research as to the typical salary range for your position before requesting a raise, your manager may deny the request, reasoning that you're already getting the amount you deserve.
I'm a bit upset about this year 's salary raise. It' s not what I expected. Are there any problems with my work?
If you're faced with a no-raise policy at your firm, keep in mind that many companies instituting salary freezes aren't banning promotions.
Sellars kept her white-collar job, recently landing a pay raise, while Mr. Sinclair was laid off from his forklift driving job last year and only just found a new one -- at a 46% lower salary.
It isn't unrealistic to expect a salary increase, but the general consensus among management experts is that if you want a raise, you're going to have to justify it more than in previous years.
One of our salesmen asked for a raise in salary today, and said he'd have to leave if we did not give him a raise.
Instead of asking about your first raise before you've got the job, you can ask (at a second interview) "Does your organization do a conventional one-year performance and salary review?"
Charles: you can also get a bonus at the end of the year, and if you can keep working in the company, your salary will get a raise every year.
We've decided to give you three moths' salary and a promotion, which includes a pay raise.
The survey also showed that employees in Shanghai saw a salary increase of 6.7% on average in the first half of the year, which was the lowest raise among first-tier cities.
The survey also showed that employees in Shanghai saw a salary increase of 6.7% on average in the first half of the year, which was the lowest raise among first-tier cities.