Within the larger ethnic community, rotating credit associations have been used to raise capital.
Fiat Auto, which will remain in the holding company, will be free to gain scale from mergers or partnerships with other car firms and to raise capital.
This new provision allows societies to raise capital by issuing Deferred Shares.
The Banks looked at what it would cost to raise capital and they said that's prohibitive.
This is a relatively inexpensive way to raise capital for acquisition opportunities.
Shares in the company to raise capital to the investor when the shares issued vouchers.
We help companies to grow by helping them to raise capital. Companies that grow create wealth.
We have a company policy, science and technology as a platform for enterprises to raise capital.
With a floor put under the value of those instruments it should be easier for banks to raise capital.
This allocation of risk also benefits the firms that need to raise capital to finance their investments.
Companies issue stocks to raise capital and investors who buy stock are actually buying a portion of the company.
Big losses in the share price could make it more difficult to raise capital. Much needed capital, I should add.
The global firms would like to manage funds, raise capital and trade securities, including shares, debt and derivatives.
Regulators are also proposing to raise capital requirements, which will further encourage bankers to turn down borrowers.
In normal times, Banks raise capital by selling stock to private investors, who receive a share in the bank's ownership in return.
Moreover, bank regulators, mindful of the last crisis, are forcing Banks to raise capital, and increase their loan loss provisions.
The central bank will regulate any firm the FSOC deems "systemically important" and can compel it to raise capital or even break itself up.
The bank said the sale was not a reaction to analyst estimates over the last week that it would need to raise capital to absorb those losses.
Technology blogs are full of advice for startups: where to start a company, how to raise capital, what kind of culture to build, whom to hire.
Ms Horowitz's most ambitious goal is to raise capital to start a new permanent institution that would provide services such as health care to members.
Even at that permissive level, the committee's own research suggests that more than 40% of the world's largest Banks would have to raise capital.
The announcements regarding share sales come as U. S. financial institutions face renewed pressure to raise capital to shore up their balance sheets.
Now investors are demanding that banks like Lehman and Washington Mutual raise capital or sell their assets to raise cash and prove that they are solvent.
Now investors are demanding that banks like Lehman and Washington Mutual raise capital or sell their assets to raise cash and prove that they are solvent.