Without question, manufacturing has taken a significant hit during recent decades, and further trade deals raise questions about whether new shocks could hit manufacturing.
The first is that national bank bail-outs would increase state borrowing relative to GDP, which could raise question-marks over some sovereign credit ratings.
The environment art design specialized talented person raise question, is one of 21st century our country environment art design research hot topics of discussion.
Based on the practice of mathematics classroom in junior middle school, this paper states how to develop students' ability to raise question from the procedure to the means.
The robot's decision and its calculated approach raise an important question: would humans make the same choice?
From the teacher's confused look, we could see that he hadn't expected that we could raise such a confusing question to him.
Question. If you spend any time around designers, you quickly discover this about them: They ask, and raise, a lot of questions.
Here is Hobbes' rewriting of the Golden Rule in terms of these laws of nature but these raise a question for us? As readers of Hobbes.
You don't have to raise your voice but a good question is all you need.
Three years ago, we used an episode to raise the question of whether psychiatrists should train military personnel in torture techniques.
That did raise the question, though, of why one twig of the great dinosaur tree had developed such strange outer vestments, even before it developed wings.
Hanfeng's mother did not raise her eyes from the page as she asked, but he knew the question was not as haphazard as it seemed.
A more complex question is whether companies that not in specialised niches can raise more listing their shares in the American markets than they would elsewhere.
Even if the recapitalization plan is seen as credible, there is still the question of whether the Banks will be able to raise money without disrupting the markets.
AS POLITICIANS hurry to offer guarantees to depositors and to Banks 'other creditors, their promises raise a question: can their countries 'public finances shoulder these new responsibilities?
At the end of last class, I began to raise the question as to whether or not we should distinguish two questions that we would normally be inclined to run together.
His comments raise a further question: do the different prescriptions reflect a new fund or new times?
I don't mean to suggest in any way that we yet know the answer to that question, but at least that's a question that it seems as though we can coherently raise.
This will turn a lot of products into what are called better-for-you products and are going to raise an important philosophical question which is: is a better-for-you processed food a good choice?
But given Mr Benioff's success, the question this book should raise in the mind of every aspiring entrepreneur is "Why not?"
These verses in sixth century Latin raise the question whether the two thieves of Calvary were named, as is commonly believed, Dismas and Gestas, or Dismas and Gesmas.
The draft from HP does not raise nor answer this question, but the SPARQL Update Wiki gives some hints in its Q&A section
惠普公司的SPARQLUpdate草案既没有提出、也没有回答这一问题,但 SPARQL UpdateWiki在其Q&A部分给出了一些提示
These numerous examples of cross-reactions raise another question: why does Bet v 1 cause an allergy to the Mal d 1 protein but not the other way around?
这么多交叉反应的例子提出了另一个问题:为什么Betv1会导致对Mald 1蛋白质的过敏,反过来Mal d 1却不会导致Bet v 1过敏?
The question at hand is whether and how the cost of rebuilding might add so much to that debt as to worry investors and raise borrowing costs, precipitating some kind of debt crisis.
Now America's financial and military troubles - coupled with the rise of China - raise the question of whether Prof Kennedy was right, after all.
These stories are tabloid fodder, but they also raise a provocative question. When a marriage is clearly on the skids, is it better to fold or fight for a future together?
Such a move would also raise the question of what should be done with millions of schoolchildren during a prolonged shutdown, they added.
Such a move would also raise the question of what should be done with millions of schoolchildren during a prolonged shutdown, they added.