Minimally invasive debridement under arthroscope can effectively release OA symptoms, improve joint function and raise the quality of life.
Monitoring, preventing and treating the disease in time could mitigate the clinical symptom, raise the quality of life and reduce the sequelae.
They raise the quality of life for many, particularly women and girls who are often in charge of domestic tasks, and can face personal risks when they have to relieve themselves in the open.
CHILDREN who have been exclusively breastfed for two years from birth will grow up to possess intelligent minds and become responsible citizens and can help raise the quality of life in Brunei.
So overtime is not the way to improve the quality of life, improve work efficiency, improve the ability to truly achieve promotion and salary raise.
No matter what treatment elongates the life span of the patients, at the sme time much more important raise their quality of lives.
This kind of technology can not only offer higher power density and can still raise the life and quality of entire insulation system including liquid insulation.
To undertaking health management on chronic non-infectious diseases could not only raise the patients life quality but also cut down the expense of medical service effectively.
The effective Countermeasures are put forward to improve internal quality of products and raise fatigue life of the components to reduce the hidden trouble.
ConclusionClinical treatment can improve the CHD patients physical function, besides, mental care and social support is able to raise their quality of life.
Conclusion Glucocorticoid treating COPD by inhaling can relieve the clinical symptom of the COPD and improve the lung functions and raise the life quality.
Conclusion Three-step ladder for cancer pain relief can effectively alleviate the patients' pain and raise their quality of life.
Good finance programming can raise the disposition efficiency of capital, then carry out the maximize benefits. It can also promote the quality of our family life.
Professor li tie proposes the "Balance Treatment" to against tumor, the point is to raise the quality of patients' life.
Conclusion Carry on psychological health education helps to raise the life quality of the elder to the clinic.
Feeding pig with the nutritious product can raise pork quality, lower pork water content, increase the shelf life of pork, and ensure good appearance and taste of pork.
The present invention can raise body's immunity obvious and raise the life quality and prolong the life of the patient owing to its high cancer preventing and treating effect.
At the same, it muse be as possible as to preserve the mandible and to repair the tongue with flaps in order to raise patients quality of life.
The present invention has the advantages of low cost and easy use, and its use can reduce the labor of nurse and raise the life quality of the patient.
Here we study the effect of electric acupuncture to the patients with cerebral infarction hemiplegia, in order to prevent from the symptomatology, reduce the lost symptom, and raise the life quality.
Here we study the effect of electric acupuncture to the patients with cerebral infarction hemiplegia, in order to prevent from the symptomatology, reduce the lost symptom, and raise the life quality.