Officials say air samples show oxygen levels that can support life. Also a noise is raising hope the men are found alive.
On Sunday, underground workers draining water from the flooded section saw swaying lamplight at the other end of the flooded v-shaped shaft, raising hope again.
Many visitors come to Beijing and hope to watch the raising of the national flag.
I hope he is having trouble recruiting. I hope he is having trouble raising money.
This title does not only give you a raising pay-check, but also increase responsibilities. Congratulations, and hope the best for you.
There were petitions and home-made banners, branded T-shirts and wristbands paid for through local fund-raising, even a rickety "wall of hope" bearing scrawled messages of support.
But before that promise is kept, we all hope something will happen to us, whether it is the thrill of romance, the joy of raising a family, or the anguish of great loss.
As a 2008 Children's Rights Ambassador I hope to also help people in countries with major poverty problems by traveling around the world and raising awareness about these problems.
But before that promise is kept, we all hope something will happen to us, whether it is the thrill of romance, the joy of raising a family, or the anguish of great loss.
Harvey: Lian, I know your time in Sydney is limited. So I hope you don't mind me raising this.
Liaoning Mobile adopts SSD mainly in the hope of improving the running efficiency of CRM system and raising the customer's perception.
Let me capture from security fraud cases, 12, hope majority of students can be cited as a precedent, from raising awareness of prevention in order to prevent criminal elements taking advantage of.
But Huang Renli does not recognize Huang Piao has been linked with him, he hope yao chun and Huang Piao help to raising grandchildren.
Whether it's the thrill of romance, the joy of raising a family, or the anguish of great loss. We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful.
The only unpaved streets I saw in Hope, or later in Hot Springs when I moved there, were in black neighborhoods, full of people who worked hard, many of them raising kids like me, and who paid taxes.
That's why they're raising money again for a second trip which they hope to make in the spring.
But before that promise is kept, we all hope something will happen to us, whether it is the thrill of romance, the joy of raising a family, or the anguish of great loss.
By nurturing the culture of reading, the hope is that the societal benefits of raising literate youths will help to improve the future of all Albanian children.
藉由培养读书文化,希望提升年轻人读写能力的社会益处,将会协助改善阿尔巴尼亚孩童的 …
Whether it "s the thrill of romance, the joy of raising a family, or the anguish of great loss. We all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful."
He and they had been among the Nevada Mountains prospecting for silver, and were returning to Salt Lake City in the hope of raising capital enough to work some lodes which they had discovered.
In other words, he said the same thing that almost every other entrepreneur says upon raising lots of VC funding " we hope to make this a great company, eventually take it public, yada yada."
In other words, he said the same thing that almost every other entrepreneur says upon raising lots of VC funding " we hope to make this a great company, eventually take it public, yada yada."