Maki thanks for the opportunity for letting me ramble on and share my two cents.
When you ramble on about topics it is more likely that you are losing your audience.
These Transformer headphones allow you to wear your choice of Frenzy or Ramble on your ears.
Once you've gotten the spotlight you've only got so much time before someone else will want it, so don't ramble on too much.
Anyone could ramble on and leave big Spaces between the words, but the trick was to come up with convincing arguments to prove the necessity of talking.
One day in the second grade, our class went on a weekend ramble in the countryside.
It relies on low-powered convection currents to ramble wherever it is easiest to drift to, and is then trapped by gentle, patient cul-de-sacs in the hills.
Our first stop is the northernmost destination on this leaf-gazing ramble, and appropriately so, since it is cool weather and fewer daylight hours that trigger fall's leafy transformation;
No family duties or professional tasks distracted them. Dorothy could ramble all day on the hills and sit up talking to Coleridge all night without being scolded by her aunt for unwomanly behaviour.
People ramble about what Aries person would be like with equivocal discription on qq. com, but I can not make it be concise here.
A lot of people tend to ramble when they're nervous and that can make this meeting feel like it's dragging on and on.
A lot of people tend to ramble when they're nervous and that can make this meeting feel like it's dragging on and on.