It seems that the thieves are less choosy these days, with their targets ranging widely from bikes, cell phones, pueses, pre-paid IC cards to sunglasses, bags, and even underwear.
It seems that the thieves are less choosy these days, with their targets ranging widely from bikes, cell phones, purses, pre-paid IC cards to sunglasses, bags, and even underwear.
The commission has been given wide-ranging powers.
As a result of their compatibility, Haig and Fraser were able to bring about wide-ranging reforms.
With the average temperature ranging from 6℃ to 16.7℃, Fenghuang County takes pride in its over 3,333 hectares of bamboo forest, providing a good living place for giant pandas.
This led her to create designs ranging from sweeping curved fences intended to reduce the stress experienced by animals that were going to be killed to systems for handling sick cattle and pigs.
A recent wide-ranging society of public opinion found 90 percent of people still placing themselves in particular class; 73 percent agreed that class was still a vital part of British society; and 52 percent thought there were still sharp class differences.
Grizzly Bears, wolves, and free-ranging herds of bison and elk live in the park.
Unfortunately, wide-ranging contraception programs do not usually reduce this rate.
In specialties ranging from cardiac care to pediatric care, they could become as essential in daily medicine as the stethoscope.
The New Zealand Government has developed a New Zealand Disability Strategy and has embarked on a wide-ranging consultation process.
Enterprise architecture group does not have one customer but have an indirect and large set of customers ranging from IT to end users.
Ten lesson plans—on topics ranging from the Maya language to the Maya creation myth—have been developed for the interactive expedition.
Workers of every rank are told these days that wide-ranging curiosity and continuous learning are vital to thriving in the modern economy.
What Hall believes is that cultures can be classified by placing them on a continuum ranging from what he called high-context to low-context.
Every one of the participants, ranging from an Illinois state senator to Massachusetts minister, tested positive for all three classes of pollutants.
The rat findings have been replicated many times and extended to creatures ranging from yeast to fruit flies, worms, fish, spiders, mice and hamsters.
Numerous ideas were submitted for the project, including concepts ranging from rolling eggs to tilting tanks, from giant seesaws to overhead monorails.
It is an worsening real-life phenomenon that encompasses behavior ranging from indifference and rudeness to naked hostility and even physical violence.
Every one of the participants, ranging from an Illinois state senator to a Massachusetts minister, tested positive for all three classes of pollutants.
This would be an obvious advantage to wide-ranging deer, especially to a socially dominant buck when courting several adult females during the autumn rut.
This wide-ranging introduction to the study of autobiography offers a historical overview of autobiographical writing from St Augustine to the present day.
It has financed takeovers by big private companies, both at home and abroad, creating national champions in businesses ranging from food to pulp and paper.
Through school projects, students can learn to be involved in community projects ranging from planting trees to cleaning up a park to assisting elderly people.
This drift has been studied extensively in many animals and in biological activities ranging from the hatching of fruit fly eggs to wheel running by squirrels.
The other group maintains that recent human activities ranging from physical coral destruction through pollution to predator removal have triggered these events.
Age estimates ranging from four billion years for Mars's southern highlands to a few hundred million years in the youngest volcanic areas were obtained in this way.
Stress reactions can reduce the disease fighting effectiveness of the body's immune system, thereby increasing susceptibility to illnesses ranging from colds to cancer.
This interpersonal coordination underlies a wide array of human activities, ranging from more complicated ones like ballroom dancing to simply walking or talking with friends.
Almost 80% of those in the 1994 survey could complete everyday activities ranging from eating and dressing unaided to complex tasks such as cooking and managing their finances.