This is a great product, I bought it for my raspberry pi and it worked wonderfully, worked on startup, nothing to install.
真是一个非常好的产品!我买它用来玩raspberry pi ,运行的很好。刚开始使用时,不需要安装驱动。
Besides 3d printers, the space features a laser cutter, electronics kits, workshop tools, Raspberry Pi computers and an array of sewing machines.
除了3d打印机,这个实验室还配备了激光切割机,电子工具包,车间工具,Raspberry Pi型号的电脑和一系列的缝纫机。
The robot unit itself is relatively low-tech, combining a tough plastic exoskeleton with a Raspberry Pi that handles most of the unit's operations.
She′s on the board of a Raspberry Pi which produces very simple and cheap computer designed to encourage children to become involved in programming.
She′s on the board of a Raspberry Pi which produces very simple and cheap computer designed to encourage children to become involved in programming.