Film analysis of the infant's responses, heart and respiration rate monitors, and nonnutritive sucking devices are used as effective tools in understanding infant perception.
It takes in streams of biomedical data, such as heart rate and respiration, and alerts doctors if the babies' condition worsens.
A new study now adds cardiovascular health to the list of music's potential benefits, suggesting it can directly trigger physiological changes that modulate blood pressure, heart rate and respiration.
In the case of severe heat stroke, heart rate and respiration rate will increase as blood pressure drops and the heart attempts to supply enough oxygen to the body.
The system monitors subtle changes in seven streams of real-time data, such as respiration, heart rate and blood pressure.
During my visit to urgent care, starting about 1pm and continuing until 7pm, my respiration rate was double to triple its normal rate. My lungs are bags of pain that trap CO2.
How does the regulation of citrate synthase control the rate of cellular respiration in pig heart tissue?
These conclusions provide a basis for endogenous respiration rate becoming a control parameter of SBR.
The effect of temperatures on endogenous respiration rate was significant.
The relation of MLSS between the endogenous respiration rate and the maximum respiration rate are investigated and compared respectively based on activated sludge process.
Soil warming in a range of temperature will increase soil microbial activity and respiration rate.
Diurnal and seasonal processes of net photosynthetic rate and respiration rate of directions of crown of Larch at different site conditions were studied.
The respiration rate and ethylene production of Kuerle Sweet Pear (Pyrusbretschneideri Rehd) was studied under different temperatures during storage.
An analysis on the effect of cultivated grassland on soil respiration rate was conducted for the abandoned land and the transferred farmland in the Ordos Sandy land Improvement Experimental Station.
And heart rate, respiration and blood oxygen saturation of patients in test group were more stable.
Since the respiration rate is difficult to get, neural network modeling technique and DO process mathematic model are combined to obtain the hybrid model of DO.
The effect of heat treatment on the respiration rate and optimal control for respiration of tomato fruit was studied.
Conclusion Thiopental with mechanical respiration can efficiently control the occurrence of convulsion and successfully promote the salvage rate of the seriously poisoned patients.
Results showed that the changes of blood pressure and heart rate in fish were closely related with the conditions of respiration.
Among these four species, the dark respiration rate was lowest and the water use efficiency was highest for L. communis, and the selected absorptance of mineral nutrients was strong in C.
The results indicated that, after 15 days of temperature treatment, the respiration rate of the freeze-thawing sugarbeet roots rose significantly and was much higher than those of other treatments.
His rate of respiration increased.
The physio-biochemical changes in respiration rate, ethylene production, polyphenol oxidase(PPO) and enzymatic browning of fresh-cut apple(Malus pumila Mill) induced by wounding were investigated.
In the case of severe heat stroke, heart rate and respiration rate will increase as blood pressure drops and the heart attempts to supply enough oxygen to the body.
The respiration rate (R) was the highest at midday with single-peaked curves of diurnal variation.
The results were as follows:The entire developing process of Chinese fir plantations, the significant regular variation of SOC content, soil respiration rate and soil properties were found.
Compared with correlation analysis and stepwise regression analysis, path analysis can objectively and comprehensively assess the influences of soil properties on SOC content soil respiration rate.
If combining respiration rate with other physical variables, the control of operation time in SBR is more effective.
Rectum temperature and respiration rate of dairy buffaloes was in normal range, and the difference of electrolyte concentration in serum of each team was not significant (P>0.05).
Rectum temperature and respiration rate of dairy buffaloes was in normal range, and the difference of electrolyte concentration in serum of each team was not significant (P>0.05).