The tendency of the localization of deformation was earlier than the violent increase in the rate of acoustic emission.
At the time when the rock strength approached to the peak value, the increasing velocity of stress in unit time reduced and the rate of acoustic emission event decreased obviously.
The acoustic emission energy signals become stronger with the increase of loading rate.
The peak value of acoustic emission counts rate depends on stress state; and the amount of peak value is equal to that of major crack after failure.
The experiment is conducted in two cases, one with constant load and another with constant loading rate. Experiment results of acoustic emission monitoring of different cases are analyzed.
The homogeneity of certified reference material is studied by acoustic emission method for composite solid propellant burning rate.
Acoustic-emission techniques have been used to determine the rate of cracking of high strength steel due to hydrogen embrittlement.
Acoustic-emission techniques have been used to determine the rate of cracking of high strength steel due to hydrogen embrittlement.