The rate of sampling, related to the Nyquist theorem.
By extended information theory into video sampling system, the end to end information rate of sampling system is derived.
The structure reduces the rate of sampling and the speed of digital processing, and requires low-performance hardware, which can be realized easily.
Based on the theory and method introduced before, this paper applied the rotation models to compute the sample rotation rate of sampling survey on vacancy rate of households in Shanghai.
In summary, the accuracy of statistics depends on the sampling rate, the data skew, and data clustering for data sampling.
总之,统计信息的准确性取决于抽样率、数据倾斜(data skew)以及用于数据抽样的数据群集。
The Response Time Breakdown page allows you to set the type of data that you see during a run, the sampling rate for that data, and whether data is collected from all users or a representative sample.
On the Sampling page, you can limit the amount of data being collected by specifying either a fixed percentage or a fixed rate of all the data to collect (Figure 11).
The Pipelined ADC architecture has the characteristics of high sampling rate as well as high resolution.
In the example script provided, the sampling rate is every two seconds, which provides rapid feedback, but generates quite a bit of sample data in a short period of time.
Sampling rate conversion methods of integral ratio, fractional ratio, and NCO controlled positive real ratio are investigated.
The sampling rate of a data acquisition system (for ac signals) is very important.
Alternatively, we can specify the sampling period, which is the inverse of the sampling rate (in this example, 0.5 sec).
或者,我们指定采样周期,此为逆向取采样率(本例子中, 0.5秒)。
Increasing the sampling rate of uniform time sampling, the errors of spectrum analysis can be reduced.
Important factors include the sampling rate, the zero point of pressure sensor, and the correct calibration of sensor, the revised program and algorism may improve the precision of measurement.
The sampling rate and density of the plot are determined by samples and isosamples, and a title is provided for the graph with the title parameter.
The sampling rate is the number of times per second analog sound is turned into a binary number by the computer.
Only sample information from a subset of users: If you set the detail level to High or Medium, set a sampling rate to prevent the log from getting too large.
Onlysampleinformationfroma subset ofusers:如果您设置了detaillevel为high或者Medium,则需要设置sampling rate以防止日志变得过大。
In the data acquisition system, the request of the sampling rate, distinguishability and anti-interference ability is higher.
Then, it discusses multi rate digital signal process (MRDSP) technology in SDR, emphasis is put on the analysis of band pass signal orthogonal sampling structure.
Signal sampling system of video communication over network usually has a low sampling rate suffering from the limited bandwidth, so aliasing noise is big problem.
People always make some misunderstanding for the sampling rate and dynamic range of shallow seismograph.
The papers explanation of the minimum sample rate in the sampling theorem provides a theoretical basis for teaching and research.
Multistage realization is one of the most efficient methods to change the sampling rate of signal.
Furthermore, on applying Time Fusion algorithm based on sampling sequence, the effective sampling rate can be multifoldly increased and the precision of result greatly improved.
On the contrary, in the proximity of the decision boundary, a higher sampling rate seems to be advantageous.
The design method for the efficient time-varying network architecture of the fractional multiple sampling rate converter is presented and its field programmable gate array (FPGA) is implemented.
The advantage and feature of digital observation is the increasing in sampling rate.
With the sampling rate of ADC becoming higher and the requirement of algorithm of information processing, the data storage system must store data with higher speed and higher precision.
The overall design scheme, as well as its principle and characteristics, are presented. With powerful CPLD, the sampling rate and channel number of the system are programmable.
The double enhancement of the high sampling rate of the system is realized by the alternating sampling synthesizing method.