The higher initial strain hardening rate and higher strength of dual phase are attributed to rapid strain hardening in ferrite and the load transfer from the ferrite to martensite.
The main factors such as pressure, the third invariant of stress tensor, strain hardening and softening, stain rate and tensile damage have been taken into account in the constitutive model.
The PP with high grafting rate can improve the melt strength and the extensional viscosity of a PP system and the strain hardening.
The results show that the granite has strain rate effect, hardening effect and jumping behaviors of stress-strain curve.
Further more, a damage softening constitutive model is set up in which the effect of fiber reinforcing and strain-rate hardening are considered.
It takes into account the influences of geometrical nonlinearities due to large, deflection and material nonlinearities due to plasticity, strain-hardening and Strain-rate Sensitivity.
It takes into account the influences of geometrical nonlinearities due to large, deflection and material nonlinearities due to plasticity, strain-hardening and Strain-rate Sensitivity.