I'm looking for the highest rate possible on a short-term certificate of deposit account.
High Mountain is currently offering a rate of 6.4% on the 13 weeks account with the minimum deposit of only 12,000 dollars.
The benchmark deposit rate, at 3.87%, is below the rate of inflation — meaning households are effectively losing money on bank savings.
The deposit business is largely built on the laziness of customers who keep their money in accounts no matter what the rate.
The deposit rate it pays to Banks on their excess cash is one percentage point below its policy rate, and provides a floor for overnight interest rates.
Theaverage rate on a two-year fixed-rate mortgage with a 25 percent deposit was3.77 percent in July, compared with 3.67 percent the previous month, the Bankof England said in a separate report today.
Deposit interest rate's enhancement means that the bank cost the rise, the rate on loan reduces means the bank income the reduction.
Since China's central bank announced on the 16th, down one-year RMB loans benchmark interest rate 0.27 percentage points, deposit rates remain unchanged.
The Company maintains cash which is not presently required for operations on deposit which earns interest at a floating rate.
The advantages of the above process were analyzed, and the influences of the process conditions on the deposit adhesion, appearance and deposition rate were discussed.
Effect of the speeding additive on deposition rate, hydrogen evolution amount, content of phosphorus and corrosion resistance of deposit in acidic electrolyte has been studied.
Recently, many Banks issue special fixed deposit, whose return depend on range of some index in the future, for instance, the exchange rate, to meet the needs of the investors.
Since China's central bank announced on the 16th, down one-year RMB loans benchmark interest rate 0.27 percentage points, deposit rates remain unchanged.
It is necessary to measure the deposit rate in laboratory and optimize the pigging frequency based on test results.
The effects of plating conditions on the plating rate, the deposit composition, and the magnetic properties of the deposit were studied.
The test shows the corrosion self electric potential has negative displacement and the corrosion self rate is reduced if there is deposit on the wall.
Second step, lets loose the situation according to the rate on loan, lets loose the part long-term deposit interest rate, like one year time savings deposit, agreement to male deposit and so on;
China's benchmark lending rate is at an all-time low of 4.35 per cent for one-year loans, and interest rate deregulation has forced lenders to compete on deposit and loan pricing.
In its first step on Thursday, the European central bank said it would further cut the deposit rate - the interest on commercial bank's holdings at the central bank - to minus 0.4 percent.
周四当天,该行先是宣布将把存款利率——商业银行存放在该行的财产的利率——从目前的- 0.3%进一步下调至- 0.4%。
The ECB is expected to keep the status quo (main refi rate at 0.25%, deposit rate 0.00% and marginal lending rate at 0.75%) despite the weakness in latest CPI data released on Monday.
The ECB is expected to keep the status quo (main refi rate at 0.25%, deposit rate 0.00% and marginal lending rate at 0.75%) despite the weakness in latest CPI data released on Monday.