Viewers were invited to visit a website and, after giving a few biographical details, to view a series of 20 pictures and rate each of them for disgustingness on a scale of one to five.
But he says that the study's hypothesis seems plausible: "we see a lot of changes happening in the Arctic, and changes at a rate and scale that we have not seen before."
So, if we added an extra five statements or parameters to each element, we’d rate each on a 10-point scale.
There was no difference in the rate of cognitive change on a test called the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale or any of the other tests the patients were subjected to.
The subjects rate whether the picture is a moral violation on a scale of 1 to 5.
But the sheer scale of rate cuts over the past three months is helping many indebted households.
As part of the belt-tightening, the company will permanently scale back plans for expansion after 2008, when it will open new stores at the slowest rate in its 30-year history.
To give an idea of the scale, the default rate in 1933 was 15.4%; in the early 1990s recession, it reached 12%.
Widespread concern at Spain's unemployment rate of almost 20% might drain support for large-scale action.
At its current rate of metro and road construction, India is headed for gridlock on a massive scale.
Users can rate a content item on a scale of 1 to 5 or, if they prefer, they can enter a comment instead of or in addition to the rating.
用户可以对内容项进行评价(评级可以从1到 5),如果愿意的话,他们也可以输入评论来代替评级,或者既添加评级又添加评论。
The relatively low adoption rate of robots in the U.S. is a hopeful sign, since we still have a chance to take advantage of robotics on a broader scale.
The relatively low adoption rate of robots in the U. S. is a hopeful sign, since we still have a chance to take advantage of robotics on a broader scale.
On a scale of 25-100 (100 = highest), how do you rate yourself as a listener?
在25-100分之间(100 =最高),你如何评估自己作为一名听众?
Customers of this type occupy a spectrum of complexity, scale and rate of change.
I usually ask for candidates to rate themselves on certain skills and characteristics and give them a scale in order to do that.
For example, only 9% of countries rate their enforcement of speed limits as over 7 on a scale of 0 to 10, while the corresponding figure for enforcement of seat-belt laws is 19%.
When in season, key technology services must be mobilized on a large scale to ensure high rate of technology utilization.
The committee would also do away with a few other less well-known problems, such as histrionic personality disorder, and add in a scale to rate the severity of such traits.
The participants used a scale of 1 to 9 to rate each of the products on 10 attributes, such as overall taste and perception of fat content.
Even part-time hostesses and those at the low end of the pay scale earn at least $20 an hour, almost twice the rate of most temp positions.
Losing factories in Japan is particularly pernicious because much of the country's advantage lies not in design but in process-producing at large scale and with a low defect rate.
Scientists asked ten men and ten women to look at dozens of black and white cartoons and rate them on a 'funniness scale'.
The study also asked each user to rate how they liked each format on a scale of 1 to 7.
这项研究同时询问了每个用户他们对设备的喜爱程度,范围为1 - 7。
Some rate higher on one person's scale than on another's. Some are practical, some are quite silly.
With the BOP account moving closer to equilibrium, the basis for large-scale appreciation of the RMB exchange rate does not exist.
Respondents were asked how they would rate their lives on a scale from zero (worst possible) to 10 (best possible), as well as answering a series of questions on positive or negative emotions.
Respondents were asked how they would rate their lives on a scale from zero (worst possible) to 10 (best possible), as well as answering a series of questions on positive or negative emotions.