For accelerated stress testing, the load resistance may be selected to draw a level of current higher than the rated current of the power supply.
The se water pump motor is unable to meet the operation requirement when its load current adjacent to its rated current. Please select another one with a large capacity.
The se water pump motor is unable to meet the operation requirement when its load current adjacent to its rated current. Please select another one with a large capacity.
海水泵电动机当其负载电流接近额定电流时不能满足运行要求,请选择另 一台容量大的电动机。
The average of the line currents at rated voltage is the no-load current.
P. S. :The peak current or power should be tested when other output of DC overshoot rated load, and the peak current pulse widens within 100ms.
It is recommended that AC power supplies to instruments be protected by fuses or automatic circuit breakers rated at not more than 2 Amperes, and must be separated from any load current circuits.
It is recommended that AC power supplies to instruments be protected by fuses or automatic circuit breakers rated at not more than 2 Amperes, and must be separated from any load current circuits.