Instead, Southern slaveholders misconstrued abolitionist views of the 1830s as mainstream rather than marginal Northern public opinion, and castigated Northerners generally for opposing slavery.
Instead, fish reared in high-density situations may learn that conspecifics are to be viewed as competitors, rather than as potential sources of adaptive information.
This is because of the following three reasons: Firstly, the thief only stole things from me but did not hurt me at all; secondly, the thief has stolen some of my things instead of all my things; thirdly, most luckily for me, it was the man rather than me who became a thief.
Rather than rely on models which can never capture the complexity of human interaction, Banks and investors should instead trust the judgment of experienced traders and managers.
There are only two: the record for each line is now a dictionary rather than a hash, and the subsequent accesses to elements of each record use named lookups instead of numeric indexing.
When you buy food, go local rather than imported, and get fresh vegetables instead of frozen.
He thinks if all India were to adopt high-quality programsto encourage sterilizations, in hospitals rather than camps, it could have 1.4billion people in 2050 instead of 1.6 billion.
他认为,如果印度打算采取高质量计划鼓励在医院而不是在营帐做绝育手术,那么,在2050年,印度可能拥有的是14 亿,而不是16亿人口。
Rather than being locked to a single system... the application can instead be executed on one of several available machines
They create products that are stripped to their essentials: scanners that cost $10, 000 rather than $100, 000; portable electrocardiographs that cost $500 instead of $5, 000.
Additional T-SQL support: Rather than list everything that SQL Azure supports, we instead direct you to the list of unsupported T-SQL features.
更多的T -SQL支持:这次我们没有列出SQLAzure支持的所有特性列表,相反,我们给出了不支持的T - SQL特性列表。
Some of the carbon therefore ends up as soot, rather than carbon dioxide, and oxygen that should be combining with carbon combines with nitrogen from the air instead.
Rather than load everything you need when the application is first accessed, it is sometimes better instead to load only some portions of the application at that time.
Rather than relying on a built-in list of certificate issuers, as at present, browsers would instead match the certificates that a site presented to those in the notaries' repository.
Instead, think of ways to turn a bad situation into a more positive one and approach your boss and coworkers with solutions rather than problems.
Rather than focus on the innuendo about my motives and beliefs in the review, let me focus instead on differences of substance.
But what if, rather than thinking in terms of writing tests and how to test things, you thought about behavior, instead?
Instead, they hope-in the jargon of Western election monitors-that it will be merely "credible" rather than "free and fair".
Instead, think of ways to turn a bad situationinto a more positive one and approach your boss and coworkers with solutions rather than problems.
Instead they found that punishment often triggers a spiral of retaliation, making it detrimental and destructive rather than beneficial.
Examples include restoring floodplains instead of building taller levees and planting trees and installing green roofs, rather than enlarging sewers or building a costly new treatment plant.
But rather than force all of the VM's networking to the physical layer of the platform, local communication could instead be virtualized itself.
Over the centuries, it's come to mean all sorts of things.It could mean "from the west" instead of "from the east," or "decent and humane" rather than "scandalous."
Or one of my favorite exercise-at-work tips, rather than sitting in a conference room, see if the person you are meeting with is up for a walk instead.
He rejected the economic reductionism that drove the Washington consensus, and insisted instead on seeing people as products of culture rather than as profit-and-loss calculating machines.
IARC urged the public to use hands-free devices rather than have phones pressed against their heads, and to send text messages where possible instead of calling.
In a second experiment, people who briefly handled a therapeutic hot pad instead of an ice pack were more likely to later select a gift for a friend rather than themselves.
Trained to fight rather than persuade, many are still planning responses to future conflicts instead of studying their potential causes so as to stop them before they become a real bother.
Trained to fight rather than persuade, many are still planning responses to future conflicts instead of studying their potential causes so as to stop them before they become a real bother.