It is advocated to combine the perceptual observing method with the rational expression.
Tea is a rational man, but in a calm and stable too restraint, always an expression of a tone, he would not say that coffee: I love you!
The value component of law, he point out, is not merely an expression of subjective desires and personal interests, but lends itself to rational analysis.
Use the expression builder or enter the transformation directly in the expression property of a mapping in Rational Data Architect.
In essence, calligraphy creation is an impulse, an expression of need and a rational thinking of calligraphy.
This process cannot be separated from rational analysis, and neither can it be from perceptual expression.
Additionally, this paper also discusses the rational contents and expression way of planning knowledge.
In the perceptual expression of film voice, special ideas changed into rational thought and released. But this is related to the outer adaptation of film voice.
The key to the design of KBE system is rational and efficient expression, use and accessing design knowledge.
Self-expression in the Chinese oil -paintings as a concrete expression of "I" words enlarged and rational and emotional tendencies.
This paper expounds the contents of word teaching explicitly, including the phonetic form of word, the rational meaning of word, a variety of expression flavor and collocation of word.
Practical Rational "is an expression on thinking mode of the value measure of pre-Qin Confucianism, which gives priority to Good over True."
Practical Rational "is an expression on thinking mode of the value measure of pre-Qin Confucianism, which gives priority to Good over True."