Yes, that's a rattler, I won't go near it. 'Finished!
'Yes, that's a rattler, I won't go near it.' Finished!
Thinking his problems were over for sure, the young guy emitted a real window rattler.
But the Court in MGM v. Grokster knows it has a rattler, not a garden snake, in its hands.
He brought.. A black widow spider, a python, a stuffed rattler, a falcon, a dwarf rabbit.
He brought... a black widow spider, a python, a stuffed rattler, a falcon, a dwarf rabbit.
Dean said that Indians believe that if you hang a dead rattler out to dry, it will bring rain.
He opens a tub and, using a long-handled hook, picks up a classic black and brown diamond-patterned rattler.
At that high altitude, suddenly, very close to you was a rattler, shrilly rattling his tail, giving a warning.
The hoe connected somewhere in the snake's midsection. The rattler stretched out from its coiled position, and I yelled and struck again.
It was late in year for snakes, but after days of rain the afternoon was warm and sunny enough to bring a rattler or copperhead out to sun.
Shining a flashlight along the tops of the walls, where the beams support the floor above, I saw an-other rattler slowly moving above my head.
Any hopes that another 8.2-pound whopper waits underground will probably be smashed flatter than a rattler 's head under a shovel, everyone involved said.
The diamondback rattler has hollow, bony cavities above the nose called pit organs containing ultra-thin, heat-sensing membranes that activate receptors connected to the brain.
Red-vested rattler wranglers with the Shortgrass Rattlesnake Association show off western diamondbacks they collected for the 45th annual Mangum Rattlesnake Derby in Mangum, Oklahoma.
The JTAC LTD incorporates Elbit Systems' high performance miniaturized Rattler designator, currently in full scale production and implemented to date on numerous airborne and ground based programs.
该JTAC LTD采用了埃尔比特系统公司的高性能微型Rattler指示器,目前已全面规模化生产,在多个空中和地面项目均有采用。
The JTAC LTD incorporates Elbit Systems' high performance miniaturized Rattler designator, currently in full scale production and implemented to date on numerous airborne and ground based programs.
该JTAC LTD采用了埃尔比特系统公司的高性能微型Rattler指示器,目前已全面规模化生产,在多个空中和地面项目均有采用。