This may be a problem for workers in the meat processing industry and even consumers who do not wash their hands or prepare raw meat and other food items on the same surfaces.
But adding raw meat to our diet doesn't tell the whole food story, according to anthropologist Richard Wrangham.
That's because retail prices for cereal, eggs, cheese and meat generally lag by several months or longer world prices for wheat, corn and soybeans - the raw ingredients of so much of our food.
But in the mid-19th century, Britain's stagnant agricultural production, food consumption, the UK, increasingly dependent on meat and agricultural raw materials imported from abroad.
He cites research that showed that people on a raw food diet, including meat and oil, lost a lot of weight.
Their meat, skin, bones and antlers could supply pretty well all the food and the clothing you needed, as well as the raw materials for tools and weapons.
During food preparation, wash cutting boards, utensils or dishes that have come into contact with fresh produce, raw meat, poultry, or seafood.
The researchers then measured the mice. They found that pounded meat and potatoes caused more weight gain than raw food.
If some of the marinade is to be used as a sauce on the cooked food, reserve a portion of the marinade before putting raw meat and poultry in it.
Team manager Nick Lowe said: 'Our message to consumers is that handling the packaging should be regarded as just as likely to cause food poisoning and touching the raw meat.'
工作小组管理人尼克•罗威(Nick Lowe)说:“我们要提醒消费者,应将碰摸这些食品包装袋视为同碰摸生肉一样,很可能会引起食物中毒。”
These creatures could incorporate raw meat in their diet and process food more efficiently .
Raw food diet is a Japanese, in addition to raw seafood, but also other animals eat raw meat.
The Food Standards Code does not allow the use of sulphur dioxide, and sodium and potassium sulphites in raw meat, poultry and game and businesses may be fined for using it.
Early men found fire very useful. At first, they ate raw meat. Then they discovered fire and started eating cooked food.
The "pickled meat" is the traditional pickled food in Qiandongnan prefecture; Guizhou province. It is made from pork as the raw material as well as sticky rice etc as the assistant materials.
SSJ - 01 plane conveyor is used for transit raw materials in large meat processing enterprise and very large food processing enterprise.
SSJ - 01 plane conveyor is used for transit raw materials in large meat processing enterprise and very large food processing enterprise.