Reverse osmosis desalting system includes two parts: raw water pretreatment and membrane system.
Assimilable Organic Carbon (AOC) in different raw water of Yangtze Delta was studied in this paper.
A high-pressure wash water pump boosts raw water pressure the high pressure required for on-line washing.
The average particle Numbers of raw water, sand filtrated water and ultrafiltrated water are given in Fig.
Trace-quantity phenol in raw water was removed rapidly and effectively by PAC absorption and bio-degradation.
Eutrophication of water quality of raw water results in algae multiply greatly, affects usual water treatment.
The laboratory and industrial test of organics removal in raw water by lime process is described in this paper.
The result of dynamic experiment for ammonia nitrogen removal from micro polluted raw water is studied in this paper.
Correct Raw Water Quality Evaluation of lake Chaohu can provide scientific evidence for the lake pollution prevention.
Then, the methods of algae control in eutrophic lake and the processes of algae removal in the raw water are described.
Both bio contact oxidation tank and ceramic bio filter are always adopted for bio pretreatment of micro polluted raw water.
The assignments of the weight parameters in raw water quality assessment are very important to the rationality of the result.
The optimal operation condition to treat the raw water by sludge return method in various levels of turbidity has been found.
This simple technique may be used to treat micro-polluted raw water and can remove organic pollutants and ammonia efficiently.
The emergency response water purification system is used to purify raw water of different qualities for testing its performance.
Biological pretreatment technology is an economic and efficient method to remove ammonia - nitrogen in micro - polluted raw water.
Research show that Coagulate-NF system can effectively remove raw water turbidity, organic, inorganic and bacteriological pollutants.
So the biodegradability of the raw water should be examined at the planning stage of a raw water biological pretreatment engineering.
The mutagenic activity of drinking water could be concerned with traditional chlorination process and the pollution degree of the raw water.
The authoress discussed that the smell and taste in drinking water might come from raw water or water treatment process or water distribution.
The coagulation aid of prechlorination is dependent on raw water quality, and its coagulation aid is more obvious in the algae development period.
Through analyzing the reasons of period water reduction in floating bed, it is the concluded that the ions content in raw water is the main reason.
The effects of 5 kinds of feed water treatment processes on the removal of odor caused by algae were studied with water from a reservoir as raw water.
This paper aimed to identify a method to decrease turbidity of raw water of Xiangjiang River under the circumstance of low temperature and low turbidity.
The theory of raw water lime-treatment technology was explained in this paper, and the main control points during treatment and existing problems were analyzed.
The batch operation demonstrated that the autotrophic denitrification with hydrogen produced from electrolysis of water can be used to treat the micro-polluted raw water.
Bromide by-products would increase after disinfection by chlorination, chloramination and ozone if containing bromine ions in raw water, and they have a higher genetic toxicity.
Bromide by-products would increase after disinfection by chlorination, chloramination and ozone if containing bromine ions in raw water, and they have a higher genetic toxicity.