Products wanted: Rawhide products and pet toys.
Rawhide , nylon, various type of plastics, and so on, have been used.
Cannon rolled past, the drivers flaying the thin mules with lengths of rawhide.
Clint got his first breakthrough with the long-running Western TV series Rawhide (1959).
I suspect you've come to see if I, too, had turned to rawhide, my face open and drunk and inhaling rain.
Log into the TestServer and enable rawhide support like you did in the Installing Xen section, and run yum update.
登录到TestServer,然后像您在安装Xen那一节中所做的那样启用rawhide支持,然后运行yum update。
He obviously thought I was a foreigner, with my long hair and beard, rawhide boots, and British navy pea jacket.
A rope or rawhide halter with a wide band that Can be lowered over a horse's eyes, used in breaking horses to a bridle.
Now that your yum repository is set up, you need to update the machine to rawhide so you can start using the latest Xen release.
建立了yum 储存库(repository)后,需要将机器更新到rawhide,以便您可以开始使用最新发布的Xen。
Not only can they be dangerous, but a rawhide chew really contains no real nutritional value and only adds to the dog's caloric intake.
Down by the depot, the postmistress, a gaunt woman who wears a rawhide jacket and denims and cowboy boots, presides over a falling apart post office.
Rawhide can be obtained from skinning Boars, Tiger Sharks, and Great White Sharks which can then be crafted into Leather for crafting more advanced items.
Your TestServer instance has all the same configurations as your BaseServer did, but you've upgraded to the latest packages that Fedora rawhide has to offer.
TestServer实例拥有与BaseServer完全相同的配置,但是您已经升级到了Fedora rawhide 所必须具备的最新的软件包。
It grew to nearly twice its original size, eventually capable of holding large compressed rawhide bones upright - formerly held between two PAWS - as she chewed.
The rawhide industrial production without environmental pollution needs to give up the traditional method and apply modern techniques to improve rawhide quality.
Snakes didn’t play fetch, didn’t bound into the car panting their joy, didn’t speak when you held a rawhide bone just above shoulder level and twitched it invitingly.
If your BaseServer represents the stable environment that you'd like to run your Web service on normally, then your TestServer can represent the latest software updates that Fedora rawhide provides.
If your BaseServer represents the stable environment that you'd like to run your Web service on normally, then your TestServer can represent the latest software updates that Fedora rawhide provides.