Let me start by borrowing from Raymond Carver: what are we talking about when we talk about order?
The stories were by such authors as John Updike, Roald Dahl, Anton Chekhov, Agatha Christie, and Raymond Carver.
The photographs in Uncommon Places and American Surfaces evoked a sad, ever-spreading hinterland that novelist Raymond Carver also mapped out in his minimalist prose.
And although he has translated many western novels into Japanese - including the works of his favourite novelist, Raymond Carver - translating back the other way is too hard, he says.
他曾把很多西方小说翻译成日文——也包括他喜爱的小说家雷蒙德·卡弗(Raymond Carver),但是要把日文翻译成英文就非常难了,他说。
And although he has translated many western novels into Japanese - including the works of his favourite novelist, Raymond Carver - translating back the other way is too hard, he says.
他曾把很多西方小说翻译成日文——也包括他喜爱的小说家雷蒙德·卡弗(Raymond Carver),但是要把日文翻译成英文就非常难了,他说。