It might save time to buy your lip-gloss, moisturizer, toothpaste, razor blades, and deodorant at the same time and place you’re getting your food, but you’ll be paying a premium price.
Over the last couple decades, more young people appear to be pulling out razor blades and lighters in order to injure themselves, according to anecdotal reports from counselors.
The baby formula is locked up because thieves resell it on the black market. Ditto for the cough and cold medications, smoking-cessation products, razor blades, and batteries.
The razor can have a biasing member secured to the housing and biasing the blades so that the cutting edges are biased against the stop member.
I'd like some razor blades and a small can of shaving cream.
The razor blades are mounted in sliding cartridges that are easily and safely removed from the unit for blade replacement while the alternate blade is in operation.
From the shape and color of razor blades to latest model sports car, vast sums of money and effort are spent to give physical matter the "right" form for consumption.
Just law month, Amazon introduced the Dash, a system of free WiFi-connected buttons that users can attach to everyday items such as razor blades and laundry detergent.
A package of razor blades doesn't run away and hide.
A package of razor blades doesn't run away and hide.