"One does struggle for different things to say about it," said David Wolf, senior economist RBC Capital Markets.
"The US fiscal loosening puts pressure on the emerging markets," says Nigel Rendell, senior emerging markets strategist at RBC Capital markets.
“美国放松银根对新兴市场构成了压力,”加拿大皇家银行资本市场(RBC Capital Markets)新兴市场高级策略师奈吉尔·兰德尔(Nigel Rendell)表示。
But Richard McGuire, fixed income strategist at RBC Capital Markets, said he expected rising unemployment to affect spending during the rest of 2009.
There also may be a silver lining: Banks may end up in better shape if weaned from an over-reliance on securitization, said Gerard Cassidy, an RBC Capital Markets analyst.
RBC CapitalMarkets的分析师杰拉德•卡西迪(Gerard Cassidy)说,也许还有一线希望,如果银行不再过分依赖证券化,以后的情况可能会好一些。
Larry Miller, a restaurant analyst with RBC Capital Markets, said expanding beyond its Fried staple offers a huge opportunity for KFC. But perceptions won't be easy to change.
Larry Miller, a restaurant analyst with RBC Capital Markets, said expanding beyond its Fried staple offers a huge opportunity for KFC. But perceptions won't be easy to change.