Again you are one step ahead of your opponent, and you re-raise him all-in. Your opponent gives you a staggering look and folds his hand.
The results will be released when European markets are closed, giving banks that fail the test time to raise funds to fill their capital shortfall before markets re-open.
We made some sales early in 2009 to raise cash for our Dow and Swiss Re purchases and late in the year made other sales in anticipation of our BNSF purchase.
With Andrew Bynum looking at a hefty raise and Kobe Bryant possibly opting out of his contract (and re-signing at a higher price), there might not be a lot of leftover money for Odom.
Re can promote the sugarcane to grow quickly, increase cane Yield, raise sucrose content of sugarcane, decrease reducing sugar content and improve the cane quality.
If you are in a cash game and the tightest player at your table just made a re raise, do you think AK is really going to be good that often?
Companies often prefer one-time perks, such as a signing bonus or a fixed bonus, and suggest asking for a possible raise or re-evaluation within a year or less.
Finally the author stresses that strengthening product re-search and development is the key to raise the technical level o...
The experimental results have showed that, adding about 5% re oxide slag to cupola charges, the tensile strength of the cast iron can raise grad...
It's just as important to take a moment to re-evaluate the practices your company is following when trying to raise awareness, or find new users or customers.
The said incline raise borer, developed by Changsha Institute of Mining Re-search for incline raise boring in dip onebody mining, is the first generation product in Chi-na.
When they realized that they actually had the resources to fulfill more orders, they were able to raise an additional $24,000 by re-introducing the perk during the campaign's final three days.
When they realized that they actually had the resources to fulfill more orders, they were able to raise an additional $24,000 by re-introducing the perk during the campaign's final three days.